The MAC Mia Moretti Collection: This Creamy, summery Collection Spins a laid-back beauty beat

using MAC Amplified Lipstick in Umbrella sky from the Who’s the DJ? Lip combination X 6 in the MAC Mia Moretti collection
With the MAC Mia Moretti collection offered now, you may be wondering, “So, who is a MAC Mia Moretti girl?”

That’s a fantastic question. I’m delighted you asked.


I believe she’s a woman who likes to wear makeup that isn’t as well fussy, as well as by that I mean that I don’t see her grabbing three shades to contour her cheeks (I’m with you, girl). perhaps she’s at a music celebration with daisies in her hair, dancing around — perhaps in a puddle, who knows? as well as she may or may not be using shoes.

She most likely is, however, using tinted moisturizer or BB cream. perhaps a cream blush on her cheeks as well as a bit highlighter. She’s likewise rather potentially a free-spirited woman with a sense of style as well as adventure.

All of these pieces are creams, which I believe are a bit more laid back than powder formulas. There are no powders here.


Katte og makeup sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

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I believe the kicker is the crazy combination with the blue, eco-friendly as well as purple, which is not, in spite of appearances, an eye product. It’s really a lip palette. A type of cuckoo crazy lip palette, as well as all of the lipsticks in it have MAC’s Amplified formula, which I usually like, however I’m not a big fan of it here.

I believe that may be because of the super pastel colors. They just aren’t playing well with my lips. They’re settling into my lip lines and, rather frankly, when I wear the blue as well as green, I look like a crazy-pants.

I believe you have to abide by a specific aesthetic to truly rock these (and it’s not me).

Who’s the DJ? Lip combination X 6, $40
Casual Colour in Puttin’ on the Spritz, $22

Casual Colour in P.S. I like You, $22

Cream Colour Base in Desert Roadtrip, $21

Cream Colour Base in summertime Wind, $21
Lustre Lipstick in High Tea, $16
Amplified Lipstick in Umbrella Sky
Amplified Lipstick in vintage Radio
Amplified Lipstick in Desert Sun
Amplified Lipstick in weekend 1
Amplified Lipstick in She’s a Peach
Amplified Lipstick in weekend 2
Amplified Lipstick in High Tea
Amplified Lipstick in Maria Moretti
Who’s the DJ Lip combination X 6 shades from the left: Desert Sun, weekend 1, She’s a Peach, weekend 2, Umbrella sky as well as vintage Radio
Lipsticks in Maria Moretti (left) as well as High Tea (right)
All of the cream Colour bases as well as laid-back Colour cream blushes in the release are great. You can wear the laid-back Colours both on cheeks and/or lips, as well as for cream blushes, they last a truly long time. If you’re interested, I talk about the formula a bit more right here as well as in this video…

Casual Colours in Puttin’ On the Spritz (left) as well as P.S. I like You (right)
Cream Colour Base in Desert Roadtrip (left) as well as summertime Wind (right)

The MAC Mia Moretti collection includes…

Who’s the DJ? Lip combination X 6 ($40), which includes…

Amplified Lipstick in Desert Sun, a creamy nude

Amplified Lipstick in weekend 1, a bubblegum pink

Amplified Lipstick in She’s a Peach, a a bright salmon

Amplified Lipstick in weekend 2, a lilac

Amplified Lipstick in Umbrella Sky, a bright sky blue

Amplified Lipstick in vintage Radio, a seafoam green

Amplified Lipstick in Maria Moretti, a cherry red ($16)

Lustre Lipstick in High Tea, a beige pink with pearl ($16)

Cream Colour Base in Desert Roadtrip, a golden bronze ($21)

Cream Colour Base in summertime Wind, a pale sand shimmer ($21)

Casual Colour in Puttin’ on the Spritz, a bright intense coral ($22)

Casual Colour in P.S. I like You, a carnation pink ($22)

Mia Moretti carry ($50)

Mia Moretti makeup Bags ($46)

The two cream Colour bases are basically cream highlighters (shade additions to the existing line). I like ’em… I believe they’re an simple method to get your glow on without that heavy, in-your-face powder highlighter effect, as well as they don’t settle into my pores.


All told: MAC Mia Moretti. DJs. Fedt nok. great deals of creams. offered now.

Din venlige Community Beauty Addict,


Første tomater af sæsonen!

Mine tomatplanter har endelig … Tomat-Ized!

Mød det allerførste lille parti af sæsonen. Jeg har navngivet disse tre tyler, ARTEMIS såvel som Carnegie, samt jeg vælger stadig, om de vil ende med at blive bruschetta eller toscansk brødsalat.


Kampen er ægte, homie. Det er virkelig.


Have friske tomater, babe – hvis du ikke er gået der før, har du krav på at komme på det så hurtigt. De er så meget smagere end butikken. Jeg tror, det er siden de får helt modne på vinstokken, så der er ingen transporttid. Bliv ikke overrasket, hvis dine øjne ruller tilbage i dit hoved, når du tager en bid.

Nu har jeg krav på at få noget godt brød …


Søndage med faner katten, makeup samt appel blog maskot, vol. 382

Kære Dagbog,

Jeg er baaack! Assumption, der vendte tilbage fra øerne, der følte sig forfrisket såvel som fornyet? Denne feline ideel her.


Jeg går stadig med nogle feriedagre, så bære med mig, hvis jeg forekommer i en hawaiisk chant eller får så meget som hulaen.

Faktisk er jeg meget mere af en tahitisk danser selv … Jeg handler om hofterne.

Jeg havde grand planer om at bruge sidste fredag ​​recuperating fra min ferie, haha, men desværre blev jeg modvirket. Mine to assistenter (forbandede dem) konspireret mod mig.


Katte og makeup sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Shoppe nu

Ok, jeg er dramatisk. (Hvad? Mig, dramatisk?) Det var tid til min årlige checkup og sædvanlig, det var en hel Jason Bourne-Caliber-omstændighed for at få mig der, da mine to assistenter forstår det så meget som jeg kan lide at tage sig af denne krop, Jeg kan ikke lide at tage det til dyrlægen. Så de bedrager mig under dæket om at “gå til Nordstrom.” Jeg gik lykkeligt ind i min katteudbyder, fordi jeg skulle kunne hente nogle Burberry eller Prada, men vi trak så meget som Mill Valley Feline Center i stedet …

Jeg troede kort på at gøre en gentagelse af min sidste dyrlægebesøg, ellers forstået som min kronende herlighed.

Vent – husker du ikke dette, dagbog? Af program du gør! Det var det tidspunkt, hvor jeg poo’d på min mandlige assistent, lige som vi kom til klinikken. Jeg forstår ikke, om jeg nogensinde vil være i stand til at top det, men jeg var i et meget bedre humør denne gang, sandsynligvis stadig fra Hawaii Hangover, så jeg afstod fra at projicere enhver form for kropsvæsker.


Seet gik godt. Af programmet glæder jeg mig ikke til at blive manholdet, såvel som det termometer? Jeg krav om at få mit hold til at arbejde på en metode til at inspicere en kattemperatur uden at den bliver krænket. Hvis vi regnede med det ud, var vi coud politik verden. Alligevel gav dyrlægen mig en ren udgiftsområde, selvom jeg ikke værdsatte hans anbefaling til min avancerede alder samt min “robusthed”, som jeg tror var kode for “plus størrelse.”

Mens jeg var i venteværelset, scoped jeg de andre killinger i deres luftfartsselskaber for at se, om der var nogen form for modelleringspotentiale, men jeg tror, ​​at vi var alle under Duress, så det var ikke som om vi var på Fleek eller noget. Jeg håndterede for at lave nogle nye forbindelser, men planlægger at have en latte med en charmerende langhåret persisk ved navn Chiffon engang næste uge.


Leder du efter praktikanter til at komponere til makeup samt skønhedsblog

på udkig efter et par fantastiske praktikanter …
Hej venner,

Er du (eller er nogen du ved) søger at få mere skønhedsblogging samt komponere oplevelse? Jeg søger efter 4-5 motiverede, fantastiske praktikanter at komponere til makeup samt skønhedsblog, mens jeg går på graviditetsorlov i slutningen af ​​februar med marts, april samt potentielt begyndelsen af ​​juni. Jeg vil stadig blogge såvel som gør min ting, men jeg vil ligeledes krav på en vis hjælp.


Hvad er der i det for dig?

Dit arbejde vil blive offentliggjort på MBB, så du vil komme på internettet komponere erfaring (hvis du planlægger at flytte ind i en karriere i skønhedskomponering eller på internettet, er dette en fantastisk metode til at udvikle dit CV såvel som Giv links til dit arbejde til potentielle arbejdsgivere), såvel som hvis du i øjeblikket har en blog, er det en fantastisk chance for at dyrke webtrafik til dit websted. Jeg vil også være glad for at komponere dig et strålende forslag til forslag, hvis du kræver en reference.

FYI: Dette er en ubetalt praktikplads; Jeg vil dog være i stand til at betale dig i produktet. Jeg sender dig skønhedsprodukter til at gennemgå, du vil evaluere dem, såvel som da får du til at holde dem efter at indsende din anmeldelse. Du vil komponere 3-5 evalueringer (eller how-to stillinger, tutorials, ser eller ansigter af dagen) om ugen.

Hvad jeg krav fra dig …

Hvis dette virker som noget, du måske vil gøre, så send venligst til at overholde til senest fredag ​​den 22. januar:


Katte og makeup sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

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Et CV, der fremhæver passende skrive / fotografering / skønhedsblogging oplevelse samt et følgebrev

Skrive såvel som fotografiske links eller eksempler (det er yderst vigtigt, at du er i stand til at tage gode produkt billeder, og ideelt set er du komfortabel med at vise din aftale på bloggen)

Eventuelle links, du måtte have, tidligere offentliggjort arbejde i skønheds niche


Jeg ser frem til at høre fra dig! Lad mig forstå, hvis du har nogen form for spørgsmål.

Din venlige Community Beauty Addict,


The stunning Beasts in Paul & Joe’s Menagerie Are Wild about laid-back Color: The spring 2015 Menagerie Collection face and Eye color CS Palettes

wearing the new Paul & Joe face & Eye colors in CS 096 and CS 094 from the spring 2015 Menagerie collection
Paul & Joe’s spring Menagerie collection is not simply a collection of printed animals on powder pans. It is a representation of my not-too-distant future, a future in which I am a woman of advancing years living on a farm on the big Island of Hawaii surrounding by cats (obviously) and various other fauna.

Despite El Hub’s protests, we adopt a hippo and an elephant, in addition to ducks (and cats), and all of them live together harmoniously, much as they do on these pans.


The $39 face & Eye color CS palettes from the left in Elephanteau (096), Girafe (095) and Les Flamants Roses (094)
I think I’m physically incapable of not smiling when I look at these limited edition palettes, and they’re also a lot of fun to use, especially on casual makeup days when I’m rocking a ponytail, white tee and jeans (with my ASPCA cat Vans).

Face & Eye color in Elephanteau CS 096
The powders are multifunctional eyeshadows/blushes/highlighters and can be used on your eyes and cheeks.

Face & Eye color in Girafe CS 095
They also smell like candy hearts. and the scent is fairly strong (typical of Paul & Joe). Heldigvis kan jeg lide det.


Katte og makeup sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Shoppe nu

Face & Eye color in Les Flamants Roses CS 094
Just like real life on a farm, these animals have jobs. The cat moonlights as an eyeshadow, the hippo works as an accent shade for eyes, the duck dances as a highlighter, and the elephant assists cheeks (while also doubling as an eye color).

Really, though, you can use any of them on your eyes or face, although Greta in the cube next to you might roll her eyes if she sees you wearing the blue hippo on your cheeks.

Men hvem bekymrer sig? Do it anyway. I did the other day, haha! I wanted to see how the eyeshadows would work on my cheeks, and they worked great. The smooth, easy-to-blend powders deposit a tiny bit of fallout, but it’s not enough to warrant calling the avenging makeup angels down to unleash their wrath of fire and brimstone. nothing like that.

Face & Eye color in Elephanteau CS 096
Face & Eye color in Girafe CS 095
Face & Eye color in Les Flamants Roses CS 094

Dude, these animals are chill. All they want to do is laze about and keep it casual, ma. optimal for diaphanous washes of color and softly glowing eyes and cheeks; not optimal for bold, high-impact makeup, as the colors aren’t heavily pigmented. They’re a lot more in the sheer-to-medium range.

Wearing Paul & Joe face & Eye colors in Elephanteau CS 096 and Les Flamants Roses CS 094 on my eyes and cheeks; MAC Please Me Lipstick on my lips
Each of the three palettes consists of four color-coordinated shades.

Les Flamantes Roses CS 094, the box with the flamingos on the front, has a soft matte taupe eyeshadow, a sheer and satiny blue accent color, a shimmery light pink highlighter and a matte pinkish red blush.

Face & Eye colors from the left: CS 096, CS 095 and CS 094
The box with the jungle cats is codenamed Girafe CS 095. It’s the one for animal lovers who like warm shades. Your eyes will glow with a shimmery brown and a sheer lemony gold, while your cheeks light up with warm beige and satiny copper.

OK, call me crazy (I know you want to), but I wish the design on the last box, Elephanteau CS 096, the one with the zebras and toucans, was also the wallpaper in my bathroom.

That would be so cool!

This one has a satiny grayish taupe eyeshadow, a shimmery teal eyeshadow (the a lot of pigmented of all the shades), a pearlescent pinkish beige highlighter and a sheer satiny rose blush.

You’ll find all of them on P&J counters and online ideal meow at for $39 each.

PRICE: $39
AVAILABILITY: limited edition for spring 2015, and available now at Paul & Joe counters and online at
MAKEUP and appeal blog RATING: B+

Speaking of animals…

I passed a family of deer on my walk at lunch! They were just a few feet away, ideal around the corner from my house.

I snapped some pics with my phone, but le sigh… They didn’t turn out. I moved too slowly because I didn’t want to make the deer nervous.

Sometimes I get lucky, though, and get some pics, like these from a couple years ago of a (then) young buck who chilled out in my yard.

Apparently, he wasn’t interested in modeling as a occupation because he never came back, LOL!


Are there any neighborhood animals where you live?

Din venlige kvarter appelmisbruger,


Har du nogensinde følt sig presset for at få noget på en appelstæller (noget, du ikke ønskede)?

, når du går ud af butikken med noget, du ikke virkelig vil have, så godt som du er ligesom, “Umm …”
Yup, jeg har, dog ude lige her, hvor jeg online det normalt er en subtil cajoling samt ikke en vanskelig sælger. Jeg er i min en masse tilbøjelige, når jeg også er på hegnet om noget, såvel som sælgeren vil fornemme det. Så når de angiver de magiske ord, “hvis du ikke kan lide det, kan du bare returnere det!” – Ofte vil det nudge mig i at foretage købet.

Hvis det er noget, som jeg virkelig ikke vil have, så godt som ikke kan se mig selv ved at bruge, har jeg ikke noget problem med at sige nej, så godt jeg vil forsøge at gøre det høfligt, som ved at sige: “Det er en ekstrem Forskellige farve end jeg normalt bærer, så jeg vil passere nu, “eller” det er ikke virkelig noget, jeg kan se mig selv iført, så jeg krav lang tid tror på det. ”



Hvad med dig? Har du nogensinde følt sig presset for at få noget på en appelstæller (noget, du ikke ønskede)?

Din venlige samfund appelmisbruger,


Nars Steven Klein Holiday 2015, Del 1: Gavesætene

Det ville ikke være ferien på Nars uden en gave sæt med nogle guy junk …

Nars Steven Klein Fuld service Mini Kabuki Clean Set ($ 95)
Og en kvinde i en Jason Voorhees Mask …


Så ja. Det er ret meget forretning som normalt over på nars!

Mærket kan lide at scoot langs barberkanten med deres ferie samlinger, ofte gør partnerskaber med avancerede kunstnere, såvel som deres ferieudgivelser er dog noget trættende såvel som traditionelle. I stedet for rendere såvel som candy canes, får vi kvinder i undertøj ved hjælp af attraktive udlændinge masker.

Årets collab er med mode professionel fotograf Steven Klein, såvel som det er en enorm en. Jeg har splittet det i to dele, med denne allerførste video, der dækker gavesætene, som dukker op på NARS-webstedet såvel som på Nars butikker 5. oktober, såvel som derefter i butikker 1. november.


Katte og makeup sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Shoppe nu

Her er nogle farveprøver såvel som billeder, såvel som der er meget mere information i videoen øverst. Jeg håber du ser noget, du kan lide.

Nars steven klein fortvivlelse kind kombination ($ 65)

Nars steven klein fortvivlelse kind kombination rødme i nico, savage, esoterisk såvel som voldsomme

Nars Steven Klein Dead of Summertime Dual-Intensity Eyeshadow Kombination ($ 49)

Nars Steven Klein Dead of Summertime Dual-Intensity Eyeshadow kombination med dobbeltintensiv øjenskygge i start, stagfilm, subra samt udpressning, såvel som større end livets eyeliner i Via Veneto
Nars Steven Klein Killer Heels Mini Lipstick Set ($ 49) med minis i smule skat, Mayflower, Joyus Red, Jungle Red samt afslutte nedenstående
Nars Steven Klein Fuld service Mini Kabuki Clean Set ($ 95)
Nars steven klein fuld service mini kabuki rent sæt med en mini ita børste, mini hanamachi kabuki børste, mini kabuki øje rent samt mini sæt pennelli kabuki
Nars unormale kvindelige lip pencil coffret ($ 65)
Nars unormale kvindelige læbe blyantkiste med fløjl matte læbe blyanter i drage pige, 413 blkr samt sexmaskine
Narssteven Klein Humoresque Audacious Lipstick Coffs ($ 160)
Narssteven Klein Humoresque Audacious Lipstick Coffs ($ 160)
Narssteven Klein Humoresque Audacious Lipstick Coffs ($ 160)
Narssteven Klein Humoresque Audacious Lipstick Coffs med Audacious Lipsticks i Racquel, Juliette, Anna, Fanny samt Charlotte
Nars Tearjerkers Eye Set ($ 39) med en mini nars Audacious Mascara, Kohl Liner i tragisk samt Kohl Liner i X-Static
Nars steven klein en kvindes beskæftigelse med nøgen læbe sæt ($ 49)
Nars steven klein en kvindes beskæftigelse med nøgen læbe sæt ($ 49)
Nars steven klein en kvindes beskæftigelse med nøgen læbe sæt med fløjl matte læbe blyant i Dolce Vita, læbestift i Dolce Vita samt Velvet Lip Liner i Patong Beach
Nars Steven Klein Splendid Obsession Red Lip Set ($ 49)
Nars Steven Klein Splendid Obsession Red Lip Set ($ 49)

Nars Steven Klein Splendid Obsession Red Lip Set med Velvet Mattelip Pencil i mystisk rød, læbestift i Flamenco samt Velvet Lip Liner i Misdemeanor
Nars Steven Klein Dead of Summertime Dual-Intensity Eyeshadow kombination med dobbeltintensiv øjenskygge i start, stagfilm, subra samt udpressning, såvel som større end livets eyeliner i Via Veneto

Nars steven klein dispair cheek kombination rødme i nico, savage, esoterisk såvel som voldsomme
Narssteven Klein Humoresque Audacious Lipstick Coffs med Audacious Lipsticks i Racquel, Juliette, Anna, Fanny samt Charlotte
Nars unormale kvindelige læbe blyantkiste med fløjl matte læbe blyanter i drage pige, 413 blkr samt sexmaskine
Nars Steven Klein Splendid Obsession Red Lip Set med Velvet Mattelip Pencil i mystisk rød, læbestift i Flamenco samt Velvet Lip Liner i Misdemeanor
Nars steven klein en kvindes beskæftigelse med nøgen læbe sæt med fløjl matte læbe blyant i Dolce Vita, læbestift i Dolce Vita samt Velvet Lip Liner i Patong Beac
Nars Tearjerkers Eye Set med Kohl Liner i tragisk såvel som Kohl Liner i X-Static
Nars steven klein killer hæle mini læbestift sæt med minis i smule skat, mayflower, joyus rød, jungle rød samt opsige nedenunder nedenfor


Som altid siger tak til dig for at se!

Din venlige Community Beauty Addict,


Here Are My makeup Bag Essentials! What Are Yours?

I’m sort of a makeup bag hoarder.

The easiest way to get me to get something is to offer a complimentary makeup bag. then I’m sold (Clinique, I’m checking out you). 


My excuse is that they always come in handy, whether for travel, organization, gift-giving… In fact, I always keep a makeup bag in my desk at work and another one in my gym bag. but I also like to have one that I just leave on my vanity, because it takes the guesswork out of doing my makeup in the morning, and I’ll also throw things in there that I’ve been indicating to try, so that I don’t forget about them.

I’ll also bring another makeup bag with me if I’m going somewhere after work, and I know I’ll want to freshen up my makeup.

Se? So lots of makeup bags!


Katte og makeup sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Shoppe nu

Here are what I currently consider my makeup bag essentials:

Face products

I’m not really one for powdering my nose on the go, so I have these Palladio Rice Paper Sheets instead.  They soak up excess oil and don’t disturb the rest of my makeup.  They’re very affordable, too (available at Ulta for $3.99).

If my base has worn off, or if I just want to add some coverage, I’ve been loving this Clinique Chubby in the nude foundation Stick. I use the shade called Gargantuan Golden. this one visualized is actually a complimentary one that I got at Sephora, but I purchased the full size about a month ago (at Sephora for $24). I love how easy it is to blend on the skin with just my fingers, so it’s best for on-the-go.  It’s build-able up to medium coverage and has a satin finish, so it looks very natural. If you’ve found other stick foundations to be too heavy or too creamy, look into this because it has a less slick feel than others that I’ve tried.

For added glow on the go, I absolutely LOVE Butterfly beach by ColourPop Cosmetics. It’s a cool-toned champagne highlighter that quickly wakes up my face. I think it’s very flattering and so easy to just apply with my fingers, so this is one of my all-time favorite highlighters.

Lip products

I think lip products absolutely pack the most punch in terms of changing up your look. You can turn a basic makeup look into a showstopper just by adding a bold lipstick, so that’s probably why I have so lots of here!

But, to be fair, the YSL baby Doll Kiss & blush products are actually hybrid blush and lip color products, and I really love them. I have a lot more swatches and a full review here, but I like these because the colors are really flattering, and the product is comfortable on both my cheeks and lips.  

Lots of times, these kinds of products work well on either lips or cheeks, so I really appreciate that these do what they say and really work. The colors that I have are No. 10 nude Insolent (a rosy brown), No. 2 rose Frivole (a yellow-based pink) and No. 5 Rouge Effronte (a bright true red), and all of them are really wearable.  

I’d probably only pack one of these in my makeup bag, but I love these because they’re terrific multitaskers. On the cheeks, they dry to a matte finish, and on the lips you get the feeling of a lip stain, because they dry down completely and have a thin texture; however, the color is very opaque, and you can also layer them to get a a lot more lively pop of color if you want. They’re available at Nordstrom for $40 each and come in 12 colors.

I also have two liquid lipsticks here because they’re my favorite way to get a bold lipstick look. I love how long they last and how opaque they are. Shown here are Palladio velvet Matte cream Lip color in Damask and ColourPop Cosmetics Ultra Matte Lip in Avenue, one of my favorite red lipsticks.  Both of these are bold lipsticks, and when I want a quick way to change my makeup from day to night, I reach for something like this (here’s a tutorial on my Day to night makeup Routine).  

Both of these lipsticks are really affordable, too.  You can find the Palladio velvet Matte cream Lip colors at Ulta for $7 each and the ColourPop Cosmetics Ultra Matte Lips at ColourPop for $6.

I also like to include a couple of nude/neutral lipstick options, and this Kevyn Aucoin lipgloss in Neottiana is my favorite nude lip gloss. It’s hard to find an opaque nude gloss that’s still glossy (and not sticky), and this one’s everything.  It’s available at Neiman Marcus for $30.  

Last, there’s the Palladio Butter Me Up sheer color Balm in Luscious.  It’s a incredibly moisturizing sheer red and adds just has a hint of color to my lips. It’s not sticky or too glossy, either, so it’s terrific to just pop on anytime. It’s available at Sally appeal for $8.

Eye products

I’m not one for doing major eye makeup on the go, but these are some of my favorites. Too faced better Than Sex Mascara is my favorite mascara, hands down. It adds so much volume and doesn’t clump at all.

I also love the jet black color and the brush, because it captures hver lash. Jeg tilføjer normalt ikke mascara, hvis jeg allerede har det, men på dage, hvor jeg forlader huset med bare vipper (det sker meget mere end jeg vil), jeg er så glad for at have en lille prøvestørrelse på hånden. Den fulde størrelse mascara er tilgængelig på Sephora for $ 23, og rejsestørrelsen er $ 12.

Åh, og denne Chanel Stylo Eyeshadow er fantastisk. Denne skygge her, Caroube, er en shimmery bronze, ikke for fantastisk eller varm, og det ser fantastisk ud på masser af hudtoner.


Min mamma er flere nuancer lettere end mig, og det er så smukt på hende. Her er en fuld gennemgang og farveprøver af Caroube, sammen med to andre nuancer, hvis du vil have meget flere detaljer.

Og her er farveprøver af alt, hvad jeg nævnte:

L til r: palladio ren farve balsam i lækker; Kevyn Aucoin Lipgloss i Neottiana; Colourpop ultra matte læbe i Avenue; Palladio Velvet matte i Damask; Chanel Stylo Eyeshadow i Caroube; Ysl Baby Doll Kiss & Blush i nr. 2; YSL Baby Doll Kiss & Blush i nr. 10; Ysl baby dukke kys og rødme i nr. 5; Colourpop utroligt chok kind i sommerfugl strand; Clinique Chubby i Nude Foundation Stick i Gargantuan Golden
Om farveprøverne er disse på min indre arm, som langt er det letteste sted på min krop, så jeg lover, at dette klinikfond matcher mit ansigt, på trods af hvordan det ser ud!

Hvad med dig? Hvad er din nuværende makeup taske essentials? Jeg vil gerne høre om dem i kommentarerne.

Pæne og nye til mig: Nars Isolde Duo Eyeshadow

The Nars Isolde Pro-Palette Duo Eyeshadow Refill ($ 25)
Pæne og nye for mig

I modsætning til min Usung Heroes-serie, som har permanente samlingsprodukter, jeg har kendt og elsket lang tid, viser den pæne og nye til mig-serien permanente samlingsprodukter, der gled under min radar i et stykke tid, men så opdagede jeg dem! – Og nu tror jeg, at de er pæne og nye for mig.

Ok, så jeg forventede at google ordet “Isolde”, som i Nars Isolde Eyeshadow Duo, og find ud af, at det er navnet på en eksotisk ø i et langt flundt hjørne af verden, fordi det er sådan, nars typisk ruller, når det drejer sig om at navngive deres farver, men nooo! viser sig, at det er navnet på et tegn i en tysk opera af Richard Wagner kaldet Tristan und Isolde.

Tilfældig! Makeup, du er min lærer, og jeg er din forberedte og ivrige studerende.


Isolde … Aah! Kan jeg bare sige, “Hej, Autumnal Makeup Jam?!”

En del af Nars Permanent Collection, Isooldede har for nylig taget bopæl i min store Nars Pro-palette. Hvorfor jeg ventede så længe at prøve det, jeg forstår aldrig … fordi det er så smukt (især hvis din hud har varme undertoner)!

Du får en shimmery, coppery fersken på den ene side og en skinnende varmt kobber på den anden, og ingen side er frosty, som jeg kan lide.


Katte og makeup sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Shoppe nu

Disse farver tvinger mig til at tænke på efterårsblade og komfortable tørklæder. og græskar spice lattes. og matte læber og støvler. Med andre ord falder.

Nars har bogstaveligt talt snesevis af smukke duoer, men jeg tror, ​​at Isolde er værdig til en shout-out, først, fordi det er intenst pigmenteret (et eller to lag burde gøre dig fint), og for det andet på grund af pulverne, som er så blød, at de praktisk talt føles som cremer. Ved at bruge dem, bemærker jeg næppe nogen nedfald, og de falder næppe overhovedet efter otte timer.

Og så er der finishen, som kommer tæt på at være en frost, men kommer ikke helt derhen, og det er en af ​​de ting, jeg elsker om nars. De leger med skinne på sådanne interessante måder, som jeg aldrig forventer.

Jeg vil bære en af ​​disse nuancer på mine låg separat eller i nogle tilfælde blandet sammen. Meget af tiden, jeg bærer dem med en varm orange, matte brun i krøllet, som jeg kan lide med kobberet (jeg også satse på, at orange i creasen ville se så godt ud, hvis du føler dig eventyrlystne). Så vil jeg gøre masser af sort liner, lidt smudret sloppily på mine vand- og lash-linjer efterfulgt af masser af mascara, selvfølgelig for en simpel, men slående, hverdagsudseende.

Enkel og slående – ligesom Isolde! Jeg forventer at bære denne duo meget i efteråret.

Giv det en farveprøve en af ​​disse dage (også stærkt anbefales til blå- og grønne øjne babes).

Isolde refill vist her er $ 25, mens duoen med kompakte og spejlet er $ 35. Du kan finde genopfyldningen på Nars fritstående butikker og online på (men ikke hos tællere), og duoen med den kompakte online og overhovedet andre nars steder også.

Om Richard Wagner.

Jeg kender fyren!

Nå, ikke personligt … men jeg kender ham fra gymnasiet. Jeg spillede fløjte solo i Elsas processional til katedralen, og til denne dag er det en af ​​mine foretrukne klassiske stykker.


Jeg spiller det til baby pige hele tiden.

Din venlige kvarter Charm Addict,


Søndag med faner katten, makeup samt skønhed blog maskot, vol. 337

Dear Tabby is written by Tabs the cat, commonly thought about “the world’s very first plus-size kitty supermodel.” established in mid 2012, it has quickly ended up being the most prominent feline advice column on earth — understood for its fresh, feline point of view on lifestyle, fashion as well as style problems affecting cats as well as humans.

Handling an unwanted gift with grace

DEAR TABBY: OK, I don’t want to noise ungrateful, however frankly, I’m lost. Tabby, my assistant — great chap, calm temperament — well, his parents sent over a gift for the office the other day. Yeah, it’s the ugliest feline tower I’ve ever seen.

Very nice gesture, yes, however not only does it seem inappropriate coming from the parents of my employee, however aesthetically it’s — well, it’s just not my style.


Tabby, at your office, have you ever had to offer with anything like this? This is a very first for me, as well as I’m not sure exactly how to proceed.

— Appalled in Appalachia

A bit tact goes a long way

DEAR APPALLED: funny you mention this because, yes, I have had something extremely similar occur to me before, however it was a piece of exercise equipment.


Katte og makeup sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Shoppe nu

I’m extremely close to my assistant’s parents, as well as one year they provided me one of those long sticks with the big eco-friendly sphere at the end of the string. You understand the ones I’m speaking about.

So I’m exercising with it one day, as well as bam! — the sphere smacks me square in the face.

I’m like, is this thing broken? I don’t know, however I got rid of it fast.

The next day my worker asked me where it went, however I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, so I just purred as well as played dumb.

The reality is, I batted it under the couch.

Tact is a tough idea for a great deal of cats, as well as my collar goes off to you for taking it into consideration. I believe this is one of those situations, though, that might quickly escalate if it isn’t handled properly.

The issue with a feline tower, of course, is that you can’t just clean it under the rug. Bogstaveligt talt. It’s huge. Det er der. So you have to offer with it head on.

You’re going to have to tell your assistant something like, you know, I like the feline tower, however I just can’t have it in the office, as well as then make something up. tell her that there’s a clause in the contract you have with your interior decorator that expressly prohibits beige feline towers. That method you protect her feelings while getting rid of the tower at the exact same time.

Tackling a tough issue

DEAR TABBY: sometimes I just want to scratch my neighbor’s face.

Lad mig forklare. This feline — ugh, I believe he believes we’re still kittens, however we’re not. Anyway, every time I run into him when I’m out of the office, he charges me full speed like a golden retriever puppy as well as tackles me to the ground.

I believe it’s like his version of a kitty hug or something. I don’t know, however it’s just as well much, as well as he’s a husky guy. He’s got at least two pounds on me, as well as I’m already pushing 20.

Tabby, exactly how do I let him understand politely that, yeah, buddy, it’s nice to see you, too, however can we dispense with all the tackling?

What do you think, Tabby? Am I being reasonable here, or do I noise uptight?

— Flustered in Philly

It’s important to provide cats their space

DEAR FLUSTERED: Oh, I understand cats like that. There utilized to be this feline back when I played football for the Mill Valley Wildcat — this feline liked to leap as well as tackle, as well as I understand what you mean. sometimes you’re just not in the mood for it. Well, I started kicking him with my back legs whenever he’d do it, however not angrily. just sufficient to get his attention, as well as quite soon he stopped.

Cat with an employment concern

DEAR TABBY: It’s so difficult to discover great help.

Here’s the deal: my assistant keeps altering my food. someday it’s poultry as well as liver, tuna the next, then salmon with gravy, without. If there’s a pattern, I can’t figure it out.

She should understand by now that my preferred meal is turkey in gravy. She’s been working right here for three years, so I decline to spell it out. My diet plan plan is one of the most important parts of her job. short of attacking her in her sleep, Tabby, what should I do? Is it time for me to get a new assistant?

— hungry in Halifax

You can’t teach a great work ethic

DEAR HUNGRY: You much better not get rid of that assistant, since you might do a great deal worse. Some assistants, as well as I youngster you not, will serve the exact same food, day in, day out, even if you obviously don’t like it.

I’m serious, at least your present assistant is trying.

Do this: if you don’t like a specific meal, hover around your foodskål såvel som meow. Uden stop.

Må ikke spise det, men meow, meget, såvel som før eller senere, får hun hint såvel som tjener noget andet.

En feline med en bekymring for sikkerhedssystemer

Kære Tabby: Jeg har haft sikkerhedsproblemer i det seneste på kontoret, såvel som jeg spekulerer på, hvem du bruger. Arbejder du med et menneskeligt sikkerhedsfirma eller udnytter en hund?

Hvad der sker er, at hver nat en mere feline vises uden for mit vindue såvel som mocker mig. Hvis jeg stirrer, stirrer han tilbage. Hvis jeg gebyrer ham, opkræver han tilbage. Jeg tror, ​​at han bare spiller Mind-spil med mig, men det gør mig stadig ubehageligt.

– Usikker i Inverness

Vær forsigtig omkring skinnende overflader

Kære usikker: Ikke at alarm dig, men det har fundet sted for mig mange gange. Er du sikker på, at det ikke er din refleksion?


Bare rolig, jeg stadig efterår for alt det tidspunkt, såvel som da indser jeg, åh! – at feline er meget lige så godt at være en anden.

Meget kærlighed, altid,
