En smule Chanel Les 4 Ombres Tissé Vendôme Eyeshadow Quad Like

Chanel Les 4 Ombres Multi-Effekt Quadra Eyeshadow i Tissé Vendôme ($ 62)
Hurtig shout-out til en quad, jeg har elsket i det seneste! – Chanel Les 4 Ombres Tissé Vendôme.

Jeg bærer de to brune såvel som beige mest, såvel som den lysere gyldne taupe-brown har en glans finish. Det er fantastisk til enkle, sofistikerede vaskerier med farve på lågene.


Golden Taupe-Y Browns Forever! Også jeg bruger katte og makeup sweatshirt.
Du kan buff den mørkere brune (som ligeledes har en glansfinish) i hjørnerne til dybde, men jeg kan normalt lide at holde det grundlæggende såvel som at bære det som en liner, der bruges med enten en våd eller tør vinklet børste.

Satiny Beige er tilgængelig i nyttige til bløde, subtile højdepunkter på pandebenet såvel som indre hjørne.

Det er Tissé Vendôme på mine låg samt Metropolitan Decay Menace Lipstick på mine læber.


At koral skygge er virkelig ganske hjælpsom også! Par det med koral eller fersken rødme eller læbestift. Jeg kan godt lide at blande det på den mobile del af mit låg (det område, der bevæger sig, når du blinker) for at fremhæve dette område samt bringe det lidt meget mere (hjælper mine øjne med at se mindre hætte).

Til reference er jeg en NC42.
Din venlige samfund appelmisbruger,


Jeg købte et par ting fra Aliexpress …

Pleased Groundhog Day! Jeg tror, ​​det kommer til at være en tidlig forår i år!

Ud af ren nysgerrighed sætter jeg ordrer til nogle makeup tilbehør fra Aliexpress:

Denne udgift mig kun $ 13,97 for alle 7 børster! (alle omkostninger er i canadiske dollars) Jeg har lyst til at prøve de ægte metoder stærke metaller børster i et stykke tid nu, dog på $ 35 for bare den flade kontur børste, kunne jeg ikke validere købet. Det ville have udgift mig $ 205 før skat for alle 7 børster fra den stærke metalsamling. Jeg mener, er ikke rt børster ment at være et billigere alternativ?

Jeg hørte om dette smule æg kontraption for at hjælpe med ren rengøring fra Christy over på glam fornødenheder:

På $ 3,42 var det lidt meget dyrere end nogle andre lister for dette præcise samme produkt, men dette var fra den nøjagtige samme sælger som RT børster, så til gavn for sake, har jeg lige købt det fra den fortegnelse.

Og vil du se på dette!

Denne eneste udgift $ 1,56 !!! Det svarer sikkert til Mac Oval 6 børste … når jeg får det, vil jeg lave en side om side sammenligning.

Et par andre dupe produkter jeg fik at teste:

Ægte metoder mirakel hud tone svamp for $ 0,70, i stedet for $ 10, som jeg betalte for den, jeg købte for nylig.

Nars kabuki ita ren – det er så skammeligt dette rene retails for $ 67, såvel som det er lavet i Kina. Lad os se præcis, hvordan denne $ 2.74 version sammenligner!

Og endelig:

Dette var den primære grund til, at jeg gik på Aliexpress til at begynde med – jeg ønskede meget mere af neglebyen Spoons, jeg havde købt off eBay før. De er omkring 20% ​​billigere på Aliexpress for det samme. Jeg købte 12 sæt af dette, så jeg kunne få bulkprisen også ($ 2,44 pr. 32pc sæt). Dette produkt gebyr en forsendelsesafgift på $ 6,57 på grund af den mængde, jeg bestilte (jeg evaluerede check-out-siden – hvis jeg havde opholdt sig under 4 sæt, så ville fragt ville have været gratis. Hvis jeg ønskede at spille systemet, ville jeg have kan have købt 3 separate ordrer på 4 sæt dog for et par bucks, jeg ikke har nogen tid til det!)

Aliexpress er selskabet til forbrugersiden af ​​Alibaba (ABLIBABA er meget mere B2B, der sælger i bulk) – købsoplevelsen er ligesom eBay dog ​​uden budgivning, hvad der bare er “køb det nu”. Jeg forstår folk, der har købt af Aliexpress med gode resultater. De købte tøj samt mobile tilbehør dog … så jeg håber, at disse makeup tilbehør er anstændigt. Jeg købte disse den 30. januar såvel som fragttid er citeret for at være overalt fra 15 til 60 dage. Selvom jeg ikke rigtig planlagde mine køb korrekt, da det kommer så meget som kinesiske nytår, hvilket indebærer, at mange kinesiske virksomheder er lukket i de næste 2 uger.

Jeg vil forsigtige mod at købe nogen form for faktiske makeup produkter fra AliExpress, da de alle forstås at være fakes. metropolitan Decay, MAC, Lorac do NOT manufacture makeup products in China – it makes absolutely no sense that Chinese factories would have these “excess” products to sell. Selv købe ingen navn makeup fra Kina er lidt risikabelt – bare hvem forstår, hvilke komponenter der er i dem? Produkterne er ikke reguleret som at købe fra en pålidelig kilde / mærke. Imidlertid produceres børsterne, jeg købte i Kina, så det er en smule mere sandsynligt, at disse er fra de faktiske fabrikker. Så nu venter vi såvel som se …

Have you purchased anything off AliExpress before?

All product pictures are from their respective product noting page.

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AliExpress clean Dupes: MAC Oval 6I purchased a lot of brushes off AliExpress on January 30th as well as have been patiently waiting on them to be provided for the past couple of months.  Finally, the bundles started dripping in mid-March as well as I got my final parcel last week.  Here is the genuine methods strong Metals set: as well as here…
31. marts 2016in “Skønhed”

Hauluary 2018 – on the internet OrdersThese are an accumulation of on the internet orders from because late December up until now… Some parcels were shipped from regional sources while others came all the method from China as well as Japan. 🙂 Well.ca • CoverGirl Outlast stay fantastic 3-in-1 foundation in 932 nude beige – $15.49 $9.06 • Cake Milk Made…
22. februar 2018in “Skønhed”

Nars Kabuki Ita clean as well as AliExpress DupeFinally, the publish that numerous of you requested when I got my AliExpress purchase back in March. Here’s the comparison between the Nars Kabuki Ita clean as well as the less expensive knock-off alternative. 😉 • Nars Kabuki Ita clean – C$70 (Sephora) Note: I paid around C$60 for mine about 5 years back -…
August 29, 2016In “Beauty”

Tilfældig 25 Bekymringer Etiket

Jeg havde endnu en offentliggjort organiseret for i dag, men har ikke haft tid til at overflade det … så dette er en uplanlagt “bonus” post. Hvorfor afstå fra at lave en etiket for gamle tider?

Dette er ikke en af ​​bekymringerne, men jeg er nysgerrig, hvad du ville svare?
Der er ikke noget officielt navn for dette, men disse var 25 bekymringer, at poleret & påvirket stillede og mærket mig. Samt jeg har udgivet en “25 fakta aboot mig tag” før, som du også kan inspicere ud. Videre til de tilfældige spørgsmål …

1. Hvorfor begyndte du at blogge?
Jeg sætter mig selv på et helt år uden køb i 2015 såvel som ønskede at holde mig ansvarlig! Jeg følte også, at jeg havde en stemme til at dele min entusiasme for makeup samt deltage i et kvarter af ligegyldige folk.

2. Hvad betyder en ideel dag?
Shopping, gode tilbud på shopping. dim sum. såvel som boble te. Så foruden købet såvel som at spise, vælger jeg en ansigts såvel som massage.

Er det fattig at sige, at jeg gerne vil tilbringe dagen alene? Intet imod min, men han ville ikke være en sjov køb af ledsager!

3. Hvad er din tidligste hukommelse?
Nogle af jer forstår, at jeg er omfattet, men før jeg boede i et børnehjem, tilbragte jeg lang tid sammen med min biologiske husstand, samt husk at hændelser af begivenheder i glimrende detaljer, mens jeg var lille. Jeg husker, da jeg var et spædbarn, så godt som vi gik til en tankstation såvel som et mere ungt barn slukkede en mønt, som han havde opdaget på jorden! Jeg blev fortalt ekstremt strengt at aldrig nogensinde sluge mønter! Den lektion har siddende fast med mig – jeg har aldrig sluget en mønt i mit liv!

4. Har du (eller vil du) dele dine adgangskoder med en betydelig anden, såvel som hvorfor eller hvorfor ikke?
Jeg deler ikke i øjeblikket mine adgangskoder med min, men jeg vil helt dele mit kodeord med min ham! Det er “heysexy123” til din reference.

5. Hvad var din foretrukne animation som barn?

Jeg mener, præcis, hvor bemærkelsesværdigt er, at der kun er kun en kvinde i hele landsbyen?

6. Hvis du var nødt til at ændre dit navn, hvad ville du ændre det til?
Officielt til “stashy”!

7. Hvad er fem ting, du kan lide om dig selv?
Jeg er modstandsdygtig, patient, ressourcefuld, nysgerrig, såvel som mine negle er gode (jeg var nødt til at inkludere en overfladisk ting …)

8. Hvad er en ting, du ville ændre om dig selv?
En fysisk ting: Jeg ønsker, at jeg bare var en teeny smule højere, som et par inches. Jeg er praktisk talt 5’3 “(160cm) såvel som jeg ønsker, at jeg var 5’5”. En ikke-fysisk ting: Jeg ville have, at jeg var blevet født tidligere, så jeg kunne opleve præcis, hvordan verden har ændret sig så drastisk. Så meget som jeg tror, ​​at verden såvel som innovationsudviklingen er så hurtig paced nu, tror jeg ikke, de er næsten lige så betydelige som de spring, der blev for årtier siden. Envision, hvis jeg var en spædbarnsboomer født i 50’erne, såvel som præcis, hvordan ideen om en personlig computer har ændret sig så meget fra de store maskiner til en tablets beregningsevner nu. Jeg har lyst til ting som en bærbar computer eller en mobiltelefon har ikke ændret alt så meget i de sidste 10 eller så år? Jeg spekulerer bare på, hvad den næste store ting kommer til at være …

9. Du får en alt-udgifter, der er betalt flugt til overalt i verden (kan kun vælge ét sted) uden et budget. Hvor ville du gå så godt som hvad ville du gøre?
Jeg bare googled “mest kostende placering til at besøge” samt opdaget denne liste. Jeg har været på mange af de angivne steder! Jeg forventer baseret på omkostninger til flyvning såvel som regionale omkostninger, ville jeg vælge Hawaii (Honolulu blev noteret som # 8 på denne liste).

Det benyttede aldrig til at være på min fortegnelse over rejsedestinationer, men alle, der har besøgt, har ikke haft noget dog gode ting at angive om det. De fortæller mig, at der er sådan en række landskaber at se, fra strande, til bjerge, til byer. Jeg kan også lide begrebet alle de friske frugter samt skaldyr at være der! has anybody went to Hawaii as well as hated it? Hvis ja, bedes du fortælle mig …

10. Hvad fik dig til at vælge dit job / erhverv (eller større, hvis du stadig er i skole)?
At være en ninja: Fordele omfatter at være i stand til at bære hoved til tå sort hele tiden, såvel som at arbejde solo. Also, throwing sharp objects freely.

11. would you rather be a excellent singer, or a excellent dancer?
Tough one. singing is something you can do no matter exactly how old you get. however dancing can be a excellent physical activity to keep you healthy. Although, I believe singing is much more about what you were born with whereas you can discover exactly how to dance as a skill. I question if there are much more excellent singers or excellent dancers in the world? I’m most likely believing as well much on this question. Fine, I’d rather be a excellent dancer since there’s still hope for me…

12. What fictional location from a book or film do you desire existed?
Is this the concern where everybody responds Hogwarts? I’m going to choose the fictional world shown in the film The fifth Element, for its mix of gritty truth with a distinct futuristic vision. I mainly want this Chanel eye shadow gadget:

And likewise this nail polish change-y gadget:

Plus, I truly like that film overall.

13. Is there anything you’ve tried that you would never do again?
I had to sleep on this concern since I just cannot believe of anything that I’d never do again. Maybe, never catching a flight last minute again? I have been that person that they have to page over the intercom for last phone call before they close the airplane doors…   In my defense, I was having coffee as well as they altered the gates on me (and I wasn’t paying attention… Jeg ved).

14. What character trait do you desire you had?
Spontaneity.  I admire people who can just fly by the seat of their pants!

15. Do you have any type of poor habits?
Does purchasing as well much makeup count as a poor habit? I likewise have a trucker mouth, I’m actively trying to not promise as much in genuine life. I requirement to reveal myself in much more innovative methods without the profanity!

16. What is your suitable meal?
Sushi or ramen.  I might most likely rotate between those 2 meals for the rest of my life as well as be content.  I particularly like salmon sushi, and tonkotsu ramen.

17. would you rather provide up TV/movies for a year, or provide up social network for a year?
I’d gladly provide up social network for a year!  I’m not as well into TV shows however I like films as well much.

18. are there any type of sites you see every single day?
Besides my WordPress feed to checked out your blogs? Those of you who comply with my IG will already understand this answer: REDDIT! Jeg er afhængig. So much to ensure that my SO as well as I banned ourselves for the month of January from going to Reddit.

We were successful for the month however now we’re going to everything the time again.

19. What makeup/fashion pattern do you desire would come back?
I feel like quite much every pattern has already been brought back?  Every other year it’s “the 60s / 70s / 80s / 90s are back!” it seems.

20. What star or stars would you like to be good friends with?
James Corden. He just seems like he’s always having fun.

21. Do you believe in soulmates? Hvorfor eller hvorfor ikke?
No, I don’t believe in soulmates. I don’t sign up for the concept that there is just one single person in the whole world who is appropriate for one more person.  That’s wishful believing to somehow verify or validate a relationship.  I believe there’s a great deal of work included in a connection as well as people who just depend on fate or “chemistry” are leaving as well much to chance.

22. What’s something that you want to see in your lifetime?
The innovation of teleportation!

Why is that not being funded by Elon Musk as well as Richard Branson best now? I have a conspiracy theory that huge car as well as airline markets are actively blocking the development of this technology!

23. What’s the very best compliment you’ve ever gotten?
That I didn’t let my upbringing jade me.

24. What is one thing in your life you desire you might do over?
I’d most likely renovate high school. I was such a keener as well as took academics as well seriously. If I might go back, I would do much more fun extracurricular things, gone out more, as well as maintained much better friendships. There was such an intense focus on getting into university as well as in the end, none of that truly matters!

25. What is the most unforgettable book or film that you’ve written or watched?
Wait, are you asking if I composed a book or film script? I feel like I’ve responded to this concern rather a few times before.  One that I haven’t named is The Shawshank Redemption.

It’s based on a book so it satisfies both questions.   It’s just an general outstanding story with excellent dialogue as well as well fleshed-out characters.

Phew, I feel such as this was part task interview, part character test…   thanks to P&I for tagging me! If you’re thinking about reading much more of these kinds of Q&As from me, inspect them all out here.

I’m not tagging anybody however please feel totally free to response these 25 concerns on your blog, I’d like to checked out your answers!

The topic I had organized for today was going to be a full blog summary type post, as a closure / goodbye… however now it will be published after the giveaway champion statement instead.

The contest closes tomorrow at midnight so if you haven’t went into yet, it’s your final chance!

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100 concerns nobody Asks TagI’ve seen this label done a few times (Megan has OCD, fivezero, as well as chubbychicsdiary, to name a few) as well as I assumptiPå jeg er en glutton for straf, da jeg valgte at reagere 100 tilfældigt såvel som ærligt, type påtrængende spørgsmål! Titlen siger, at ingen nogensinde spørger disse spørgsmål, men det …
18. oktober 2015in “Generelt”

Kom til at forstå mig tag, Charm Blog Writer Editioni blev mærket af den smukke Ryane Zamora charme at gøre dette. Bit forstod hun, at jeg i hemmelighed skulle gøre denne etiket, selvom ingen mærket mig (men nu ser jeg ud som om jeg har venner, såvel som jeg er cool. Ja.) Jeg har set denne etiket kaldet “Kom til …
21 april 2015in “skønhed”

Real pæne blog Awardi var triple nomineret for nylig for den ægte pæne blog pris! : D reglerne! 1) Sæt prislogoet på din blog. 2) Svar 7 Bekymringer, der blev spurgt af den person, der nominerede dig. 3) Sig takket være den person, der nominerede dig, forbinder til deres blog. 4) Nominere enhver form for antal bloggere …
25. april 2015in “Skønhed”

My three Year Blogiversary! (+ Announcement)

My blog turns three today!

Thank you to all of you for interacting with me on the internet – I’ve took pleasure in getting to understand you much better as well as commonly having a laugh or two in the comments section.

This past year saw some articles that I’m rather pleased of, as well as the comments from you have been phenomenal.  Some highlights of my a lot of prominent articles from 2017:

Megapost: custom-made combination Systems

Hourglass Ambient illumination Powder Dupes?

BHA Exfoliants: CosRX vs Paula’s Choice

Affordable drugstore nude Palettes

MUJI cut Cotton White – Shiseido Facial Cotton DUPE

Anastasia Beverly Hills Eye shadow Singles

Beauty product examining Guide: technique as well as Terminology

As I look back at my goals from last year, I did accomplish the majority of them including:
• organize header / menu: I lastly did it! I kick myself for not doing it sooner, it’s truly not difficult.
• Do a lot of Megaposts: I handled to do only ONE (see the custom-made palettes publish above).
• go to a appeal Event: I did end up going to a few appeal events as well as satisfying other regional appeal bloggers!
• continue to broaden topics: I’d state I stayed the program on this – I publish what I want including travel as well as fashion, as well as you’ve seen my off topic banter associated to the appeal Podcast with Cat.
The only one I didn’t do was work the Pinterest, I still don’t get Pinterest in spite of my finest efforts.


I’ve made the decision to wind down my blog. I comprehend if this may come as a surprise to you. It was something I wrestled with for the latter half of 2017. I took a couple of blog breaks as well as came back each time to provide it one more shot however I never rekindled that drive to continue.  I still plan to preserve an on the internet presence, just not update this blog.  There isn’t one single reason as to why I want to stop blogging. To quote one of my much-loved shows, The Wire: “It just ain’t in me no more.”  This decision feels ideal for me now, however who knows, it may not be forever. I’ve experience many blog writers who phone call it quits however end up coming back since they miss it.

I’m making this statement now so the blog will come to a natural conclusion. rather than having an abrupt end, I still have a few blog entrances that I will publish in the coming weeks including a summary of my trash stock for 2017, a Hauluary haul or two, as well as one last giveaway! Bliv hængende.

Again, say thanks to you!

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My blogging HighlightsI’ve been procrastinating on completing off this entry considering that it will be my closure post.  But, sufficient delay – it has to be done. This is going to be a rather self-indulgent post… at first I wasn’t planning on doing a publish such as this to wrap up the blog, however your comments…
March 12, 2018In “Beauty”

MyLipAddiction.com appeal Podcast: I nearly Peed My Pants!We’re back with one more chit chatty episode – just feline as well as I pretending to be elegant as well as failing miserably.  This week features some skincare talk as well as we share spooky stories, just in time for Halloween. as well as I truly did nearly pee my pants in this episode – partly due to…
October 28, 2016In “Beauty”

Mine toårige blogiversary! Min blog bliver to i dag! I truly hope it doesn’t go with a phase of horrible twos… 😉 I just observed that WordPress didn’t release an annual report with stats like they did last year – ah well, it’s most likely just also considering that I’m trying to get away from…
10. januar 2017in “General”

Blogmas 2016: The smells of Christmas

You’re believing to yourself, “that Stashy is truly running out of concepts for this Blogmas thing, isn’t she?”  Well, hear me out!  I believe we focus so much on our sense of sight that we sometimes neglect our other senses.  For previous Blogmas posts, I’ve already focused on the sense of hearing (Christmas music) so why not talk about exactly how Christmas smells?

Yes, there will be talk of food… however likewise some fragrances too!

It’s typical understanding that scents are most strongly connected with memories so it’s only natural to be reminded of considerable events like the holidays with specific smells. Here’s what I odor during Christmastime:

Maple glazed spiral ham

Ever since we found spiral ham a few years ago, we haven’t looked back. who needs turkey when we can have damp tasty spiral ham with crispy outer bits?


Since this is a winter fruit, as well as it seems to be more prevalent during the holiday season. To me, clementines odor sweeter yet more tart than oranges.


I like ginger molasses cookies at any type of time of the year, however gingerbread cookies are in plentiful supply during the holidays as well as I gobble them up!

Mulled apple cider

We like ours with sticks of cinnamon – so wonderful as well as warm!

Prada candy Perfume

I was surprised that I ended up loving this perfume after trying a sample a few years ago; I went out as well as bought the full size right away.  I would explain it as a smokey caramel scent that isn’t cloying or juvenile. I enjoy using this during the winter months, particularly around the holidays!

BBW Vanilla Snowflake candle

I got this for Christmas last year – I had particularly requested this scent after smelling it in the store. The private notes are explained as: Creamy Vanilla, Iced Fir, Wintry Mint, Coconut Flakes. It is a comforting warm scent that isn’t overpowering – I’ve been burning this all week (in fact, right now!)

What are the smells you partner with Christmas?

Last year’s blogmas publish was a fun one:
Blogmas Day 24: Who would You Kiss Under the Mistletoe?

Be sure to inspect out the rest of the Babes in Blogland (lite) for their Blogmas posts:
♥  Kaily of hello Kaily
♥  Sharon of hey Sharonoox

Can you believe that it’s Christmas Eve already!?

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Blogmas 2016: The Christmas beauty TagEven though I decided to do a shortened Blogmas this year, I was rather challenged as to what topics to compose about, since last year’s Blogmas quite much covered all the major Christmassy topics like Christmas music, movies, gift ideas, etc. So I was excited when I spotted this tag…
December 19, 2016In “Beauty”

Blogmas Day 9: Christmas sweetsIt’s so trick that I have a wonderful tooth. Christmas is the perfect season to indulge and, every year, come December 1st, I get my eating on! I tell this story to people all the time, I like candies so much that when I was little, I utilized to save…
December 9, 2015In “General”

Blogmas Day 11: Christmas TraditionsToday will be a more personal post. Jeg har haft kommentarer, der beder om mit navn såvel som mit billede – jeg deler dem ikke på bloggen af ​​privatlivets fred. It honestly shouldn’t matter if my name is Seraphina, or if I may potentially have a third eye (hey, that just means more…
11. december 2015in “General”

MUJI cut Cotton White – Shiseido Facial Cotton DUPE

I was going to make this publish a “journey of discovery” as well as keep it a secret on whether the MUJI is a dupe or not for the Shiseido, however I’m just going to come out as well as tell you that YES, the MUJI cut Cotton in WHITE is undoubtedly a viable DUPE to the cult much-loved – as well as expensive – Shiseido Facial Cotton.

I’ve been utilizing both MUJI as well as Shiseido cottons interchangeably for the past month to get a true sense of exactly how similar or dissimilar they are to every other.

First, let’s describe what a “dupe” is in the appeal world.  A dupe is a product that replicates one more product in terms of colour, finish, texture, longevity, performance etc. A mimic, if you will. A dupe is practical when:
• it is less expensive
• the original is no longer offered (limited edition or discontinued)
• the original is not widely accessible (ie. Canadian brand not offered in the UK)
• it fulfills a specific personal requirements (ie. cruelty-free, vegan, not made in China etc)

(Perhaps I must add this meaning to my terminology list?)

So for me, the MUJI cut Cotton dupe is a more affordable alternate to the Shiseido Facial Cotton.

Let’s back up a bit – I am just so ecstatic about this discovery! a few of you may understand that I’m a bit of a facial cotton fanatic. I like trying new ones as well as am permanently on a quest to discover the pinnacle of facial cotton perfection. That distinction goes to Shiseido Facial Cotton. But, it’s type of expensive at C$11 for a pack of 165 pieces. one more enthusiasm of mine is trying to discover a dupe for Shiseido Facial Cotton (which I phone call “Crack Cotton”) however so far, to no avail.

Enter the MUJI cut Cotton in White. It costs only C$3.50 for a pack of 165 pieces. I don’t believe it’s a coincidence that the MUJI cut Cotton consists of the precise exact same amount of pieces as what Shiseido contains. When I compared those blatant knock-offs from buyers medication Mart as well as Rexall, I noted exactly how similar their bundles look to Shiseido’s too.

I did my normal physical, observable comparisons between MUJI as well as Shiseido. The size of the MUJI is somewhat smaller, measuring 65 x 50mm whereas Shiseido’s is 65 x 55mm.

MUJI cut Cotton is thicker than Shiseido. I’ve noted that the MUJI cotton does seem to hold a lot more liquid than Shiseido.  Shiseido’s pieces look to have a somewhat smoother cut when checked out in a stack.

I pulled them apart to show the fluffiness.
They’re both extremely soft as well as the cotton sheets don’t autumn apart in use. There’s no linting at all.

I dialed up the contrast to show the difference in surface structure between the two – Shiseido has a minor ribbed structure whereas MUJI does not. It doesn’t make any type of difference in performance though.
Then I did a blind test. I put both Shiseido as well as MUJI in my cotton dispenser, randomly alternating them. as well as I might not tell the difference! 

As with the Shiseido, MUJI instructs that you can peel the cotton apart as well as utilize them as area “mask” treatments when soaked with toner / essence.
When I was inspecting the two cottons side by side, I’d state that the Shiseido is ever so somewhat softer. however it’s not evident while I was utilizing them on even the delicate eye area. honestly – saving 68% enables me to neglect this tiny, nearly undetectable discrepancy.

And both Shiseido as well as MUJI cottons are made in Japan.

Be cautious though – MUJI offers other facial cottons, so don’t get confused. You don’t want the cut Cotton Ecu – see my evaluation on it – it’s not almost as soft as the White version, likely because of the unbleached cotton. The only reason why I had even bought the Ecru version in the very first place was that the White was offered out. In fact, the White version is commonly offered out, I’ve found – most likely since it’s so good!

In addition, MUJI offers “Peelable Cotton”, as well as “Cotton Puffs” (thanks to polished & Inspired for pointing this out!) which are not the exact same as the cut Cotton. MUJI cut Cotton WHITE is what you want!

EDIT December 2017: I observed that MUJI has updated the cut Cotton packaging to this now so look out for this instead:

See this, Shiseido? This basic resealable bag opening? You need to upgrade your packaging to this!

• Soft
• extremely thick as well as strong
• No lint
• Resealable bag
• Affordable

• smaller size per sheet

Stash worthiness: 10/10

The one unfavorable point (smaller size) of the MUJI is a lot more than balance out by the inexpensive cost of the product. The Shiseido Facial Cotton has satisfied its match!  I do recognize that for some people, MUJI may not be quickly accessible. I’ll continue to seek out other dupes – I’m never contented when it pertains to facial cotton!  And don’t get me wrong, I’m not stating I’ll never get Shiseido Facial Cotton again, however let’s just state, at jeg har fyldt op på 3 poser af muji skåret bomuldsvide for nu. Muji produkter kan købes i butikker eller online. I Canada er der i øjeblikket kun 3 butikker så langt som heldigvis for mig, de er alle let tilgængelige for mig!

Har du nogensinde opdaget en mere overkommelig dupe for et meget dyrere produkt? Del!

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Projektfokus 10: Muji Cut Cotton Ecrutodays jobfokus 10 Evaluering er ikke makeup, men noget at hjælpe eliminere makeup; Muji Cut Cotton ECRU: Dette er min meget udnyttet jobfokus 10 produkt – jeg har brugt det natligt for at fjerne min øjenmakeup i betragtning af at starte denne serie. Mit grundlag for sammenligning vil være imod Shiseido …
21 marts 2016in “skønhed”

Shiseido ansigtsbomuld samt mulige dupes? Jeg er en ansigts bomuld snob. Det var ikke altid på denne måde, men overvejede, at jeg forsøgte min allerførste bundt af Shiseido ansigtsbomuld, jeg har ikke set tilbage. Lad mig kvalificere det – jeg bruger ikke Shiseido ansigts bomuld udelukkende – jeg bruger kun det til at eliminere min øjenmakeup. Pillowy …
3. juli 2015in “skønhed”

Muji hudpleje [+ giveaway!] [Denne giveaway er lukket] Du forstår sandsynligvis, at jeg allerede kan lide Muji hudplejeprodukterne, som jeg har prøvet, så jeg var helt i mit aspekt på den nyeste Muji Canada åbent hjem, som var at fremvise deres hudpleje. Ligesom tidligere Muji Open Home Sessions var det en lille …
18. oktober 2016in “Skønhed”

Sephora VIB Sale April 2017 Haul

It’s the start of may and typically I ought to have my trash stash up but I’m a bit delayed as this weekend was spent celebrating my SO’s birthday. So here’s my Sephora VIB Sale haul instead.

As I anticipated, I didn’t haul very much for the Sephora VIB sale this time around and pretty much stuck to my shopping list.

Jeg har:

• Lavanila The healthy Deodorant in Vanilla – $17  $14.09
I discovered that it appears Sephora Canada no longer stocks the grapefruit or coconut scents! I have them on my “loves” list but now they state “this item does not ship to Canada”. So my only scent option is Vanilla. I also discovered that this item sold out by around day 4 of the sale – thank goodness I grabbed it on day one.

• Farmacy new Day gentle exfoliating Grains – $40 $33.15
Replenish my recently finished sample of this (foreshadowing for my upcoming trash stash post! )

I didn’t set out to feature the unboxing of this bottle but the packaging design of this is so genius that I couldn’t help but snap some photos.
It’s like origami!

• Bite charm Agave Lip Balm – $20  $16.58
This is already in use and in my purse.

• Sephora Collection face Mask in green Tea and rose – $8 each  $6.63 each
I said I’d 100% purchase both of these and I did!

• Sephora favorites give Me Some nude Lip – $33  $27.35
Yup, I did it. This was on my 50% possibility I’ll purchase list but with so numerous comments encouraging me to get it (some of the comments were in my head, to be sure) I chose to get this and I’m so glad I did. What an amazing set.

The set contains:
• too faced Melted Matte Liquified Lipstick in Queen B 2.3 mL (mini)
• Buxom Full-On Lip cream in White Russian 1.55g (mini)
• Marc Jacobs charm Le Marc Lip Crème in #246 slow burn 1.7g (mini)
• Bite charm amuse Bouche Lipstick in Honeycomb 1.55g (mini)
• urban Decay Vice Lipstick in 1993 comfort Matte 3.4g (full size)
• Estée edit The Barest Contour lip liner in #05 In The Buff 0.25g (full size)

I really wasn’t paying close enough attention to what this set actually contains, because I didn’t realize it include not one, but two items that had been on my wish list. As pointed out by Molly of The rose charm Files, it includes Buxom White Russian, which I’ve wanted to try for ages. But, it also includes the UD Vice in 1993, which Robyn of Lipstick on the Lake raves about. now I have it!

And did you see, there’s a new give Me Some nude Lip set out?

It only came out after the VIB Sale, and does include a few items I’ve been wanting to try, but I choose the set I got (which is still available).

These few items weren’t on my shopping list but you know how it goes…

• Anastasia Beverly Hills empty 4 Well Refillable Eye palette x2 – $1 each
I discussed that I really like the empty palettes in my review of the Anastasia Beverly Hills eye shadows.  And with the VIB sale discount, these were $0.85 each!

• Sephora Collection colorful Eyeshadows in Hollywood Calling, Pop Idol, and June Gloom – $7 each  $5.80 each
I always like to check the sale section online before I check out and I saw that Sephora is clearing out a lot of colours of their eye shadows. You’ve seen me haul these before – I guess they’re a weakness of mine. I already own a bunch of these and I find the quality is quite good. I’ve been eyeing both Hollywood Calling  and Pop Idol for a while – and I just liked the name June Gloom.

And, I did offer my discount to my pals and ended up placing 4 separate orders online, so I got quite a few samples:

• Living proof ideal hair Day Shampoo & Conditioner
• Kate Somerville dry Skin Saver
• Briogeo Don’t Despair repair Deep Conditioning Mask
• Fresh Soy face Cleanser
• Fresh rose Hydrating Eye Gel Cream
• Tata Harper Regenerating Cleanser
• Peter Thomas Roth Water Drench Hyaluronic Cloud Cream
• L’Occitane precious Cream
• Bumble and bumble Hairdresser’s unnoticeable Oil Shampoo & Conditioner
• Glamglow Supermud Clearing Treatment
• Guerlain Mon Guerlain perfume
• viewpoint amazing Grace Eau de Toilette

Here are the items I purchased on behalf of my friends, if you’re curious:

• Clinique Rinse-Off Foaming Cleanser x2
• bareMinerals complexion Rescue tinted Hydrating Gel Cream
• Origins GinZing Refreshing Eye Cream
• charm Blender
• Bobbi brown blush Brush

And, I actually braved a Sephora store on the first day of the sale to pick up my totally free tote. I went just before lunch and was amazed to see that the store wasn’t too busy. and even much more amazed, this year’s tote is so good – it’s made of actual cloth fabric instead of the plastic canvas of previous years.

It’s a messenger style tote which is surprisingly roomy with a durable broad strap.

My total damage concerned C$149 without the discount, and with the 15% off, it was C$126.65. Plus, I used Ebates which dropped their discount to a measly 2.5% (normally it’s 8%), so I got another $3.17 back, bringing my total to $123.48.

Have you tried any of the items I got? Gjorde duPick up alt fra Sephora-salget?

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Sephora Vib Sale Fall 2016 Hauland Her er regningen. Sandhedstid: Jeg lagde 3 ordrer online og lavede 1 køb i butikken. : D jeg rekvaltet til Vib Rouge til næste år igen! Men ikke på grund af mine egne køb, men mine Pals samlede deres køb med min (jeg vil sige, at sammenbruddet var 30% mig, 70% dem). …
18. november 2016in “skønhed”

Sephora Vib Sale Shopping Liste April 2017 Editioni føler en følelse af træthed generelt i charme samfund på det seneste. Jeg har aldrig set så mange anti-hauls og decluters som jeg for nylig har. I år tidligere var de mest populære emner hauls og charme samling stillinger, men jeg ser nu en tendens til “resistens”. Måske er det bare …
17. april 2017in “Skønhed”

Sephora Vib Sale Fall 2017 Haulfinally, jeg sender om min Sephora VIB salg. Jeg havde tidlig adgang, så jeg var i stand til at begynde at trække den 3. november. Efter det første vindue med shopping er det det, jeg bestilte: Som diskuteret i min indkøbsliste post, havde jeg virkelig ikke brug for mange ting. Den ene…
30. november 2017in “skønhed”

Makeup as well as beauty blog Monday Poll, Vol. 710

gentle reminder for you today.

Så … hvad er mandag afstemning?

Fremragende spørgsmål! It isn’t, contrary to its name, an actual poll, like with bit clicky buttons. It’s just a listing of more or less random concerns I’ve been publishing on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007).

1. A location you’ve traveled that you’d like to revisit again?

Definitely Cambria, which is found in the central coastline of California. I went a couple years back for my birthday, as well as it’s just so lovely down there! I might quickly spend all the time at Moonstone beach collecting rocks as well as inspecting out the tide pools.

2. What makeup are you using today?

I had a video phone call early this morning, so I did a quick deal with with the following:


MAC Brun (brows)

Ilia Gel liner (to tightline as well as on my upper lash line)

Laura Mercier Caviar Mascara (lashes)

Ilia Eye Tint in Fresco (lids)

Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer in Wheat (cheeks as well as around my mouth)

Hourglass Veil Retouching fluid in Sand (under eyes)

MAC Mineralize Skinfinish natural in medium golden (forehead, down the sides of my nose as well as on my chin)

Ilia color Haze Multi-Use Pigment in Temptation (cheeks)

Ilia Lip Oil in Tahiti (lips)

3. Knee high or ankle socks?

UGH, honestly neither if it wasn’t so darn chilly right here right now. Socks are the enemy! since it’s rather chilly, though, then knee highs, since they keep my ankles warm.

4. What’s for lunch?

Not sure yet, however Connor’s with me today (it’s her last day if Christmas break), so we’ll most likely make sandwiches together. I try to include her with making meals when I can! Gotta begin those life skills early.

5. Are you a turtleneck person?

I’m slowly realizing my response to this is no. I utilized to like them, however now I truly don’t like the feeling of material wrapped as well tightly around my neck.


Katte og makeup sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Shoppe nu

6. Burritos or burgers?

I don’t truly prefer one over the other, so as long as I get the veggie option, it’s all good. Today I’ll go with a veggie burger, though, so I can eat the fries!

7. who does your nails?

Me, myself as well as I!

8. have you taken your holiday designs down yet?

The tree ornaments will be put away by the end of the day! I’ll keep the tree up up until Thursday so Rosie-Pose can enjoy sitting beneath for a few more days.

9. Blue, brown or purple mascara?

Ooh, let’s go with blue.

Din venlige Community Beauty Addict,



S.s. Lige her er bekymringerne for at kopiere / indsætte med dine svar i en kommentar. talk to ya soon.

1. A location you’ve traveled that you’d like to revisit again?
2. What makeup are you using today?
3. Knee high or ankle socks?
4. What’s for lunch?
5. Are you a turtleneck person
6. Burritos or burgers?
7. who does your nails?
8. have you taken your holiday designs down yet?
9. Blue, brown or purple mascara?

P.p.s. great morning, lovely friend! I hope your very first Monday of the new year has been treating you sweetly!

Latest charm purchases List, March 11, 2022!

Waves for days
1. Pattern Leave-In Conditioner

I low-key freaked out just recently when my ends felt like straw, so I zipped over to Ulta to purchase some things from Pattern, a hair line by actress Tracee Ellis Ross made particularly for curlies.

First up was a tube of this medium-weight leave-in conditioner. I’ve utilized it before as well as my wavy hair likes it! It’s rich as well as hydrating, as well as perhaps it’s a touch as well intense as it has a tendency to stretch out my waves so they appear straighter, however I don’t mind. The dainty honeysuckle scent agrees with me, as well as I like that you get such a huge bottle for the price.


2. Pattern lightweight Conditioner

This doubles as a sheer conditioner as well as a co-wash! It has the exact same delicate honeysuckle scent as the rest of the Pattern products, as well as the 13-ounce bottle is huge. I utilized it last night as a co-wash, as well as my hair felt so clean. No silicones! KÆRLIGHED.

3. Pattern travel size medium Conditioner

I purchased the travel-size version of this since I want to be sure I like it before committing to a full-size bottle. Anywho, it’s richer compared to the lightweight Conditioner. Jeg kan lide det. My hair feels soft as well as moisturized.

4. Pattern travel size Hydration Shampoo

Dejlig. Hydrating however not heavy, as well as my hair felt clean as well as soft afterwards.


Katte og makeup sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Shoppe nu

5. Bumble & Bumble Hairdressers’ unnoticeable Oil Ultra rich trial set with Shampoo, Conditioner as well as Hyaluronic treatment Oil

FYR. like I said, I’m on a objective to rectify this dry hair sitch, so this fell into my basket in situation the products from Pattern didn’t work out. I haven’t tried it yet, however I utilized Bumble & Bumble for many years in my 20s as well as 30s, as well as my hair always liked it. I’m going on a trip soon, as well as I may just bring this with me.

6. Dermalogica travel size PreCleanse Oil

Also for my upcoming trip since I requirement a travel-friendly makeup remover. I utilized this back in the day as well as liked it.

Re: Innersense

There was some fantastic comments from visitor E.D. on the hair brand Innersense in the comments yesterday, so if you’re thinking about the line, you may want to skim with her quick reviews. say thanks to you, E.D.!

I chose to hold off purchasing anything from Innersense for now, however if you’re already a fan, the entire line is currently 20% off on the internet at charm Heroes. No code needed.

Sjov kendsgerning! charm Heroes is based in my town of Novato.

En sidste ting…

Connor is going to her very first dance tonight. Her institution is holding a father-daughter dance, as well as El Hub will be her date! Last night when we were getting prepared for bed, I explained what occurs at a dance: exactly how your date picks you up, tells your parents they’ll have you house by curfew, opens your vehicle door, gets you punch at the dance as well as so on. I’m so pleased she’ll be able to go to her very first dance with her dad. just believing about her going on a genuine date makes me tear up a little, LOL!


Din venlige samfunds charme addict,


S.s. TGIF!

New Revlon Mascaras: ultimate All-in-One as well as volume + length Magnified

I assumption I’m on a drugstore kick lately, yesterday with the Maybelline SuperStay foundation, as well as today I’m reviewing 2 Revlon mascaras from their recent revamp of their mascara offering:

• ultimate All-in-One (red cap)
• volume + length Magnified (blue cap)

I can’t keep in mind the last time I bought a Revlon mascara. perhaps the grow Luscious? That was years ago! as well as it never appealed to me sufficient to repurchase it. To me, Revlon excel at a great deal of products – foundation, lipstick, nail polish – but mascaras are not one of their strengths.  And mascaras are money cows for cosmetics business – exactly how often do we (“have to”) replace mascaras, as well as exactly how many mascaras do we seem to have open at when (if you have just ONE mascara open right now, please comment below, as well as I don’t believe you!)  It’s a very lucrative market at the drugstore – just look at exactly how wide the assortment is, as well as exactly how commonly business introduce new mascaras.

So it was about time that Revlon overhauled their mascara collection! as well as the new collection is extremely impressive, with formulas to cater to different needs: length, volume, both, drama:

They even called it a Mascara Revolution!

I chosen up the volume + length Magnified (blue cap) very first since I liked the look of the wand as well as I’m excited at the prospect of a mascara that provides both volume as well as length. It features a typical bristle wand that is rather full as well as somewhat larger than typical (but not jumbo sized).

For me, the formula delivers more on volume than length however it did provide decent length to my lashes. What impressed me most was that it might hold a curl, as well as it did not smudge beneath my eyes! There was a tendency to deposit clumps upon application however I am able to comb out the clumps with my metal lash comb.  The description states there are fibres in this formula however I didn’t notice any type of on the wand or my lashes.

The results were feathery lashes that almost rival what I can accomplish with CoverGirl’s LashBlast volume (but CG LB is more water resistant as well as voluminous).  I rate this 8/10

I ended up being thinking about the ultimate All-in-One (red cap) because of radiant evaluations on the internet about exactly how incredible the wand was, as well as exactly how excellent the formula was for lifting the lashes.  It features a silicone wand, with a mini brush head that’s oval shaped:

Is it me, or does the close up of the wand look like the underbelly of a cockroach…?
The formula is rather wet, as well as somewhat goopy. It was a genuine difficulty to not totally glue my lashes together – it made my 7 lashes look like 3! Also, I commonly got the mascara on my eyelids because of the wet formula, as well as even over time, it didn’t dry out to the point that it stopped being goopy. In terms of length as well as volume, it was just typical in both departments.  Here’s a situation where being Jack of all trades, means it’s master of none.

But, I can see why some people would like this formula, it holds a curl like a water resistant mascara does even though it’s not marketed as a water resistant formula. It likewise did not smudge under my eyes. Unfortunately, like water resistant mascaras, this irritated my eyes whenever I used it.  I rate this 6/10

They retail for C$10.99 each as well as I got mine during a 30% off sale.  Here’s exactly how these 2 Revlon mascaras rate against a few of my favourite mascaras:

Below are the official illustrations that demonstrate the results one can accomplish utilizing these mascaras (Ultimate All-in-One on the left, as well as volume + length Magnified on the right):

Kilde. I’d like to someday create an eye picture of my own eye to go along with my mascara reviews!

I have mixed feelings about the packaging. The tubes are unnecessarily bulky, I feel. But, I do like that they are not cylindrical so they don’t roll off a flat surface. And, I like the smooth look of the general collection with the matte tube as well as coloured caps to differentiate between the types.  I’m thinking about trying the drama one next, since the bristles look similar to the CG LashBlast, likewise perhaps since the cap is purple. as well as purple is my favourite colour.

Now please, Revlon, it’s time to upgrade your eye shadows. The old wet / dry formula, Mattes, or even the custom Eyes were great. The present choice isn’t doing anyone any type of favours.

Have you tried the new Revlon mascaras? What’s your present favourite drugstore mascara?

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Hauluary 2017 – Makeup samt Skincarewhen, jeg ser på alt sammen som dette, tror jeg, jeg fik lidt bragt væk med makeup hauling … men når du henter lidt bit her, lidt lidt der, ser det ikke ud til Ligesom det er så meget! 😉 Jeg kunne ikke gå på faktiske boksedag …
25. januar 2017in “Skønhed”

Projektfokus 10: L’Oreal Voluminøs Butterfly Mascaralucky # 7 af jobfokus 10 Evaluering er L’Oreal Voluminous Butterfly Mascara: Jeg har prøvet ganske meget, alle mascara l’Oreal har nogensinde frigivet siden jeg stadig forsøger at opdage en erstatning til min elskede – dog ophørt – l’oreal bare naturale mascara. Gør det det for mig? For det første,…
14. marts 2016in “Skønhed”

Mary Kay Haul samt evaluering af lash intensitet mascara samt lash primeri har en god ven, der tilbyder Mary Kay samt forstår om min makeup afhængighed – hun læser denne blog! Så da Mary Kay lancerede en ny, meget raved om mascara, informerede hun mig om, at jeg må prøve det. Selvfølgelig måtte jeg placere en ordre. Men ville du ikke forstå det, mascara …
26. juli 2016in “Skønhed”