Lørdagsurfing, jan 16, 2021

Har en vidunderlig dag!
God morgen! antagelse hvad …?

Vi klarede det! Det er weekenden.


Oh yeah. ?

Ok … så, normalt er jeg en kaffe venlige pige, men i det seneste har jeg været alt om te, som denne fra Trader Joe’s. Jeg unge ikke, det er så godt. Jeg havde det gemt væk i mit skab, begravet bag kasser af miljøvenlig te samt decaf miljøvenlige te, samt utilsigtet observeret det, mens de omorganiserer ting. Granatæble giver det lidt sødme, såvel som citrongræs såvel som hibiscus lidt tærte, såvel som det har et godt spark til det også! Den hvide te, mand. Det er overraskende kraftigt! Jeg føler mig lidt buzzy såvel som rystende ideal nu, hvilket sandsynligvis ikke er det allerbedste specificere at være i samtidig at male ens negle, hahaha!

Åh, godt! Jeg forsøger at vælge mellem disse tre farver af Duri …

Hvad synes du? hjælpe mig med at beslutte.

Denne uges læsning

Unge mennesker er målrettet tegner i under-eye tasker på sociale medier …

En neglebites rejse …

Yup, stor overraskelse. Aaaand nu vil jeg have en rosefarvet caboodle.

Patches Feline er en usundt helt!


Jeg er seriøst, seriøst at tro på at skære mit eget hår.

Venligst red mig fra mig selv.

Nej seriøst.


Connor spurgte mig, om hun kunne tage heste ridning lektioner i går, såvel som da nød vi denne video tre gange i træk.

Jeg spionerer Gregory Arlt!


Nuværende Style Song.

Ja, tak.

Blæsning dette ideal nu.


Hvordan har du det på denne charmerende dag? ???

Din venlige samfund appelmisbruger,


Lørdag Surfing, 3. april, 2021

Velkommen til weekenden!


Hej, fyre! Fornøjet påske weekend. ?? fantastisk morgen. allerførste ting først; Jeg har en bekymring for dig. Gør billedet øverst muligt, at du vil male dine poter? Siden det gjorde for mig! Nu er jeg kravet cremet gul, lyserød samt blå kløer så hurtigt som muligt. ?

Denne uges læsning

Angiveligt er disse de 21 fineste makeup arrangører af 2021!

YouTuber Violette_fr har lige introduceret sin egen makeup-linje, så nu kan vi alle master franske kvinde chic.

BYREDOs nye forårsmakeupsamling omfatter en eyeliner kaldet “Praktisk brun”, et navn, der taler volumen til min nuværende makeup æstetik.

Hvis du har psoriasis, er her, hvad en DOC foreslår at gøre for at gøre din charme rutine meget mere håndterbar.

Er din hudpleje rutine krav en olie rengøringsmiddel?

Dette er, hvad de professionelle foreslår at gøre, hvis du vil have din neglelak til at tørre hurtigere.

Disse tre fjerde gradere startede en redningsorganisation for stray, hjemløse såvel som forladte feliner i deres samfund.

14 Orange læbestifter, der forventes at se godt ud på alle.

Mød Kinas “Lipstick King,” Austin Li Jiaqi.


Grace Kelly’s Style

Elsk mig nogle mally roncal


Din venlige samfunds charme addict,



Søndage med faner katten, makeup og appel blog maskot, vol. 610

Rosie er ikke mode Mogul Tabs var, men hun har stil, og hun har virkelig følt sig selv i det seneste.


Tabs havde meget mere en appetit for haute cathe end Rosie gør, og han skiftede stil næsten dagligt. Han ville gå fra at bære en lys ’80’erne off-the-shoulder tee med revet jeans til at posere i nøgen iført andet end smykker. Han var frygtløs med mode, men det var hans ting, mens Rosies sande lidenskab er videnskab.


Din venlige kvarter appelmisbruger,


Negle i ugen, Smith & Cult Bitter Buddhist | Dine tanker om lash serum?

Smith & Cult Bitter Buddhist
Hej, fyre! Dette er en og fave skygge, som jeg har haft og elsket i årevis, Smith & Cult Bitter Buddhist. Det er en blegtårgrøn med grå undertoner og et sjovt alternativ til de fælles pastellmint greener, der så typisk pop op om foråret.

Jeg elsker det, fordi det er en af ​​de farver, der kan se helt anderledes afhængigt af lyset. I nogle tilfælde er det meget mere grønt, andre gange det er meget mere blåt!


Jeg pokede omkring Smith & Cult Site for nylig og opdagede, at der er en lignende skygge med et andet navn – bitter cashmere dagdrøm. Hvis du elsker komplekse blege greens, er det bestemt en til at overveje.

Dine tanker om lash serum?

Hvorfor ja, jeg tilføjede store vipper til denne pony.
Jeg har forsøgt at finde ud af, hvorfor hver mascara jeg har båret i de sidste par måneder, har været hårdt skuffende, og jeg tror, ​​jeg kunne have fundet grunden til. Efter år at bruge lash serum til at støde på min frynse, slutter jeg sidste efterår. Der var virkelig ingen rim eller grund til beslutningen; Jeg var for det meste for udmattet til at huske at sætte det på før sengetid! Dage blev til uger, så blev uger til måneder, så næste ting ved, at alle mascara bums mig ud.

Jeg tror, ​​at mine vipper langsomt er vendt tilbage til deres naturlige tilstand, hvilket er i den store ordning af ting er ikke noget stort. men stadig.


Katte og makeup sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

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På den ene side er det en mindre ting for mig at gøre i min rutine (ja), men på den anden side er mine hella grundlæggende vipper tilbage. Lol.


Hvad er dine tanker om lash serums? Bruger du dem? Brug dem ikke? Hvis du har brugt dem i fortiden og stop, hvad skete der med dine vipper? Jeg vil gerne høre din historie.

Din venlige kvarter Charm Addict,


Makeup Musings: My makeup style Is Evolving, as well as I’m Leaning into It as well as Seeing Where It Goes

one of the things I’ve always liked about makeup is the prospective to check out so numerous different paths, as well as there are so numerous methods you can modification your style as well as your technique, as well as just methods to develop with it. Like, during one stage of your life, perhaps you’re using full-coverage foundation as well as false lashes everywhere. Then, perhaps 5-10 years later your concept of “dressed up” is using mascara as well as brow pencil, which you only wear to work meetings.

I believe there’s something extremely awesome about being able to reinvent yourself, as well as makeup is right here for that. That’s one of the reasons I’ve always liked it.


This concept struck me best after I completed this look with the Tom Ford Disco dust palette, MAC A bit Tamed Lipstick as well as Laura Mercier tinted Moisturizer. Seriously, my makeup style has altered a great deal over the past six months, as well as I can honestly state that I don’t like doing a challenging base as much as I utilized to.

Foundations, concealers as well as the constant quest to produce a perfect base — I youngster you not — utilized to excitement MY SOUL, however now, even when I just wear a bit tinted moisturizer, it feels like I’m using as well much.

I don’t understand if it’s since I’ve ended up being much more comfortable in my skin, or if it’s since I’ve just gotten so utilized to putting on some sheer tinted sunscreen as well as calling it a day, but, at least for now, the believed of layering, mixing as well as buffing 10 different base products to accomplish a skin-like impact isn’t something I want to do.


Katte og makeup sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

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And you understand what? makeup is awesome with that. It’s creative. It’s malleable. There are options. It’s developed to modification as well as develop with you. A full makeup bag includes unlimited possibilities.

That said, I’m believing that perhaps it’s time to check out the wide, broad world of tinted sunscreen serums (I’ve got my eye on this as well as this one) as well as sheer BB creams. I don’t understand where this is going to take me, however I’m thrilled to discover out.

I’m using the complying with pieces in this look…

Tom Ford Disco dust Quad

Chanel Black wood pencil liner

Clinique quite simple Pen in Black

Urban Decay Brow Beater Pencil in Neutral Brown

MAC remove Brow Set

Laura Mercier Caviar Mascara

Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer in Wheat

Hourglass Retouching fluid in Sand

Lancome Le Monochromatique in Ooh La la

Lancome Le Monochromatique in Soiree

MAC Powder Kiss liquid Lipcolour in A bit Tamed


Have you gone with any type of major makeup pivots in your life? exactly how has your styled altered lately? When did you begin using much more or less? Did a specific event or moment modification your point of view? I’d like to hear about it.

Din venlige samfunds charme addict,


Easy, sophisticated fall Eye makeup With green Lids and liner

Gotta wear green!
Is green eye makeup a lot more of a fall or a spring look for you? ASKING FOR A FRIEND.

I think if you’ve got a dark green up in the mix, like a jewel-toned green or an emerald green, then yeah, whatever’s happening on your lids is absolutely a fall look, especially if you add a matte nude or matte brown lippie to the mix.


That’s what I did the other day. I wore this green lid-and-liner combo using a shimmery light medium green shadow on my lids and a dark green opalescent pencil liner (with a touch of a darker grayish green on the outer corner) to get groceries and pick up Coywolf from preschool, and I got the nicest compliments from her teachers.

This little one isn’t so little anymore!


I think the matte browns in the crease and the beige base help to keep the greens wearable for daytime because the neutrals ground the brighter lid and lash line.

Of course, this same placement would also work with other jewel-toned shades, and hmm… now that I think about it, I may have to try sapphire liner and lids next!


Katte og makeup sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

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What went where
For the eye makeup I used…

Beige matte shadow base: NARS tinted Smudge proof Eyeshadow Base in Light

Beige shadow: MAC Mylar

Light warm matte brown shadow: MAC Soft Brown

Mid-toned warm matte brown shadow: MAC Saddle

Dark mate brown shadow: MAC Brun

Dark green pencil: urban Decay Loaded

Light green eyeshadow: urban Decay Mildew

Dark grayish green shadow: MAC Club

Bronze pencil: MAC Teddy

I’m wearing MAC date maker Powder Kiss liquid Lipcolour with MAC spice Lip Liner.
Brows are urban Decay Brow Beater in Neutral Brown, and lashes are Laura Mercier Caviar Mascara. Cheeks: MAC Mineralize Skinfinish natural in give Me sun and NARS blush in Lovejoy.
For base, I’m wearing a 50/50 mix of It Cosmetics Your Skin but better foundation in Tan warm 41 and Tan warm 42.5; under my eyes, I’m wearing a touch of Neutrogena Radiant cream Concealer.
Here’s another closeup!
A few a lot more quick winged tips, in case you decide to try this look!

1. Do your winged liner first.

This allows you to reference the end point of your wing and a lot more easily figure out how far out and up you can take your eyeshadow.

2. Sharpen that pencil tip.

The pointier and sharper the idea of your pencil, the much easier it will be to control the weight of your lines.

3. If you have hooded lids like I do, select a thinner line.

The thicker the liner on your upper lash line, the a lot more hooded your lids may appear. I suggest using the thinnest line you can.

Sus fra fortiden

Goodness gracious, time flies. I found Connor’s first-day-of-school pics from the last couple years, and just look at how tiny her curly pigtails were.

For et år siden!
They say childhood passes in a flash, and they are not kidding!

Two years ago, with chonky baby cheeks (I miss THOSE CHEEEEEEEKS)
Din venlige kvarter appelmisbruger,


Urban Decay Empire Eyeliner er en fortryllende juvel-tonet perle

lidt forbrugt med Metropolitan Decay Empire
Hvis du kan lide Kapow! af sort eyeliner dog normalt gravitate mod subtler nuancer som trækul grå såvel som brun, allerførste af alt, hej, er vi makeup tvillinger? For det andet, inspicere Metropolitan Decay’s 24/7 Glide-On Pencil i Empire ($ 22), en jeweled aubergine lilla. Angiveligt er det ikke magisk … men det er jeg ikke så sikker på det.

Fallin ‘for lilla vinger
Når jeg vil have en seriøs røg, blødes imperiet ind i en uklar, smuk gradient … det er ligeledes smudsbevis, når det sætter såvel som ophold sat på lash såvel som vandlinjer. Du kan ligeledes bruge den super-jævn formel til at tegne razor-skarpe vinger eller spore dine lash-linjer med skinny-mini-striber.


Undervurderet lilla drama
Afhængigt af belysningen ser det nogle gange ud, såvel som nogle gange er der et strejf af shimmer.

Magi, jeg fortæller dig!

Empire er en langvarig armatur i UD’s lineup. kan det være din nye foretrukne eyeliner for efterår? ?


Katte og makeup sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Shoppe nu

Ballerina Døtre

Fordi Rosie er mit yngste barn. ? Anyway, Connor tager en online zoom ballet klasse på onsdage, samt selvfølgelig har Rosie besluttet, at hun også er en ballerina.

Hun parkerer sin Torbie Booty midt på gulvet samt ure Connor hoppe over hende såvel som twirl rundt. Det er den sjoveste ting, da Rosie er lige så chill om det. Jeg har aldrig set en feline så ubesvaret …

Nu er Connor’s balletinstruktør samt de andre bitkvinder udnyttet til Rosies cameos i klassen. Jeg er lokket for at få hende en smule kitty ballet tutu af hendes egen!

Jeg kører for at målrette mod nogle få for at få fat i nogle sidste øjebliks Halloween-produkter, da det vil være en ekstremt improv Halloween ‘runde disse dele i år.

Husk de vanvittige ting, vi gjorde, som at gå til Halloween-parter?
Og parker?!
Da ingen er virkelig trick-or-treating i vores by i år, tager vi coywolf til en græskar patch på Halloween morgen, såvel som da skal vi skære jack-o-lanterner om eftermiddagen. Jeg vil ligeledes forsøge at lave en Halloween Candy Søg efter hende (Kinda som en påskeægjagt) i vores bitcirkel, hvis jeg trækker det af.


Hvad har du gang i? Jeg håber alt er godt.

Din venlige Community Beauty Addict,


Søndag med faner katten, makeup samt skønhed blog maskot, vol. 678

mand! Jeg kan ikke tro, at sommertid er forbi. Hvad!? Samt vi ikke engang fik mange varme dage i år. Det er underligt ud lige her i bugten, da vi får et par af vores varmeste vejrforhold i det tidlige fald, men stadig. Jeg ønskede flere pool dage nu.

Tabs ville have gjort en enorm sommerferie send-off i weekenden med et fuldskala kitty modellering show. Han kunne altid tænke på årstiderne med en betydelig begivenhed af en slags, såvel som derefter overholde det med en fest for at lyde i næste sæson. Til ham, hvad der var en stor grund til at fejre sin fantastiske.


Video playerhttps: //makeupandBeautyblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/tabs-sunny-day-may-5-2018.mp4




Rosie kan lide efteråret lige så meget som hun kan lide sommer, så hun er helt fint med årstiderne, der skifter. Hun handler om videnskaben om årstiderne, såvel som botanik er en af ​​hendes mange interesser, så det er bare så interessant, at hun ser frem til hver sæson, der skifter. Hun ser spørgsmålet overalt, hun ser i den naturlige verden.

Din venlige Community Beauty Addict,


I’m Road-Trippin’ Over the Chanel road motion picture Les 4 Ombres Eyeshadow combination

The $62 Chanel road motion picture palette
This Chanel quad was very first released in 2017 as well as has considering that been added to the long-term collection. It’s one of my favorites to this day!

Holy highway, Thelma & Louise! I just realized that I don’t have a preferred road movie!


How’s that even possible? I’m such a motion picture fiend.

Oh, well. say thanks to you, Chanel road motion picture eyeshadow palette, for that realization.

Hmm… What about speed starring Sandra Bullock as well as Keanu Reeves? It’s not truly a road movie, however I like that cheesy traditional (Thelma & Louise is one more excellent one, of course).


Katte og makeup sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

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Colors of the California coast

Road motion picture ($62) is one of two restricted edition quads in the Chanel travel Diary autumn Collection that were influenced by colors of the California coast, as well as I can absolutely see the colors of the specify along the coastline between LA as well as huge Sur.

There are deep, oceanic navy blues as well as teals in this eye quad, however let’s get genuine — the water is normally darker, murkier as well as scarier than we ever see it in makeup, LOL!

The quad likewise has a satiny golden brown, which is a powder shadow version of Memory, the cream shadow in this collection, as well as a matte tan that appears like golden Cali sand.

That’s road motion picture on my lids as well as lash lines, Chanel combination Essentielle in beige intense (from the travel Diary autumn Collection) on my cheeks, as well as Chanel Rouge Coco in Experimental on my lips (also from travel Diary).
Packed with pigment

Powerful pigment isn’t the very first thing I believe when it pertains to Chanel quads. The brand normally pulls back on the pigment — however not as well much — which makes it much easier for simple mortals like me to blend them as well as sheer out the edges. That’s one of the reasons I like Chanel shadows so much for daily looks. They’re juuust pigmented enough.

This quad? road motion picture has comprise For Ever-caliber color. The shadows are intensely pigmented, particularly the blue as well as teal, however they’re still surprisingly simple to work with.

Ready to hit the road

Easy to apply, as well as long-lasting

I’m delighted with one or two (or two) layers as well as have to utilize extremely bit elbow grease. just a few swirls as well as swipes with my Chanel dual-ended eye brush. At the end of the day, my lids still look just as bright as well as fresh as they do very first thing in morning.

Road Movie
The caveat…

There is some fallout, though, with the navy as well as teal (yup, even when I tap my brush). just to alert you, it can get a bit untidy with those two shades, however it’s not even close to metropolitan Decay-level fallout.

Don’t be intimidated by the blue as well as green

They’re much a lot more wearable than I thought. If you aren’t into strong colors, you might wear the satiny golden brown as well as matte tan on your lids, then line your lash lines with either the navy or the teal, which is what I’ve normally been doing when I wear dette.


Another lovely, extremely wearable Chanel quad.

Din venlige samfund appelmisbruger,


Saturday Surfing, Dec. 11, 2021!

Lip Oils by lilah b.
Let’s put on some lip oil!

Question for you — have you ever seen a lip oil in a rollerball? Every single one I’ve tried has a wand inside a tube, and there’s normally an oversized doe foot, like the one from the original O.G. lip oils by Clarins.


You’d think a lip oil with a rollerball would be convenient because it has one less element? Højre? But, I don’t know, I worry about the oil getting goopy and the rollerball just getting messy… If you’ve ever seen one in the history of ever, let me know.

These lip oils here are from a local Marin county brand called lilah b. (all lowercase).

The tubes look much darker than they do in these pics, FYI. For the pics below, I brightened the lighting to give you a better idea of what the colors look like on lips, but in real life the tubes look incredibly dark, nearly unwearable.


Katte og makeup sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Shoppe nu

Anywho, in other news…I had to get some jeans because I looked down one day, and all of mine either had snags in them from Rosie’s claws, or stains, and even though I loathe clothes shopping, I made myself go to Banana Republic factory because there’s one nearby in town, and I’d be able to try stuff on and return it there if I had to.

Little backstory, but I’ve been putting off getting jeans for a really long time. I’ve tried to find some online, but as convenient as online shopping is, it normally doesn’t work out for me when it pertains to clothing because, when I actually get the clothes, there’s always one thing — at least one thing — wrong with them.

Invariably, once they get to my house, I think to myself, oh, I can deal with this one wrong thing, so I end up keeping the items, but then I’m plagued by that one wrong thing, and I never end up wearing what I actually buy.

From the left: B. Remarkable, B. Elegant, B. Sincere
So, I’m making myself actually, physically go into stores to try stuff on, even though it’s really the last thing I want to do.

All this is to say that I found some pants with potential at Banana Republic Factory. They’re called the high-rise slim jean, and they were 60% off in store, but apparently 75% off online. and I don’t hate them. Endnu.

I actually have a pair on ideal now… They still have the identifies and stickers on, too. I’m just gonna wear them around the house for the next few hours to see if I can tolerate them.

So far, high rise, run big, skinny without being skin-tight like leggings, so they’re a little looser around the thighs and calves. Overall, I give ’em a thumb…sideways. I don’t know if I like them or not.

Other than that, I’ve got dance mommy tasks today because Connor has her first onstage performance coming up in, goodness gracious, two years? I’m going to bring her to rehearsals today, and then her performance is tomorrow.


It’s a sunny day here this weekend, but I hear there’s some rain coming. What’s the weather like out your way?

Ya know, I’m not shocked to see Biologique Recherche P50 toner on this list of the ten most-recommended products. I need to get myself another bottle ASAP!

L’Oreal just gotten youth to The People.

To quote Wu-Tang, “Protect ya neck.”

Black women are making waves in the hair care industry.

What cats can show us about living in the present, being content and learning from our experiences.

I’m about to play this for Rosie Pose.

Feeling this aesthetic ideal meow.

I will forever think of him as the big brother in Kim’s Convenience!


Oh, the early aughts…


Talk to me, doc.

This looks cool.

I was obsessed with Pat Benetar when I was a kid.

On repeat

Who’s gonna make this for me?

I want to go shopping with you, Isimeme.

Din venlige kvarter appelmisbruger,
