Miscellaneous makeup Purge

You may recall that last year I did an epic makeup purge!   And earlier this year I posted a base makeup and a lip product purge – the common theme on those 2 product categories is that they’re liquid items, with usually shorter lifespan than powders.  Today I have a mixture of various product categories including eye, lip, and skincare products – many of which are also liquid or gel formulas.

The reason why these are in a separate purge post rather than included in my trash stash is because none of these items are finished / empty. Some items I loved but are too old to use anymore. Sadly, the majority of them will go into the garbage!


• beyond belief ABH Exfoliating Scrub – I used to love this skincare line from Sally beauty supply but then they reformulated the line and it now sucks. This scrub doesn’t contain many beads, and it turns out the beads are polyethylene (aka microbeads). So I’m tossing this rather than having them go into water system.

• NeoStrata Invigorating solution – I received this full size item for free as a gift with purchase. They’re pre-soaked pads like Stridex and are basically 100% alcohol – it stings my skin. I ended using this to clean my underarms but it’s even too harsh for that. and I noticed that it’s now discontinued, rightfully so.

• Eucerin Aquaphor – I did really like this for my lips as an overnight treatment, but ever since I discovered the C.O. Bigelow supreme shine 2X lip balm, I haven’t touched this.

• Elizabeth Arden eight hour Cream (above) – this smells disgusting. But, I do have to admit that it does sooth and protect skin very well in the winter months. I might consider getting the fragrance-free version, one of these days.
• Lucas’ Papaw Ointment – an Australian coworker brought this back for me since it’s a cult beauty product. I didn’t find it to be a miracle product.

• Nip + fab Lip + Nip fix – this is touted as an all purpose balm (for lips and nipples!) and I found it was just ok. I think this contains mostly lanolin, which I might be sensitive to. This product looks to be discontinued also.

• Kiehl’s Lip Balm #1 in Coconut (above) – this expired in 2014! I did used to like these lip balms once upon a time but now I find them a little too greasy. Also, SPF of 4 is laughable.

Eye Products

Unlike lip products, I have a much stronger attachment to these eye products. Some are favourites of mine but they are just so old – I know for a fact that the MAC Fluidline in Ostentatious came out in October 2006 as part of the Rockocco collection!

Gel liners: I love the idea of gel liners but in reality, I use pen type liner much more frequently since I don’t need to use a separate brush. (coughlazycough)

• Mary Kay Gel eyeliner in White Daisy – I got it in my head that I’d use this as a base to do colourful liners by putting pops of colour eye shadows on top. never did it!

• Sedona lace eyeliner Gel in Rumor
• Kate Gel Eye liner in BR-1
• Essence Gel eyeliner in 02 London baby – Essence gel liners are amazing. even more outstanding is how economical they are.

• MAC Fluidline in Ostentatious (above)- this is actually still fresh, amazingly. but it’s nearly 10 years old!  I absolutely adore this colour and formula – it’s a taupe colour with blue / green shimmer!!! I may have used 15% of the pot. *sigh*  It will live on in whatever Back to MAC item this will go toward.

• Physicians formula Shimmer StripsCustom Eye enhancing Gel CreamLiner – these are part of 3 full stacks in various colours. They’re just not colours I use typically (black, blue & purple).

I’ve kept only 2 brown colours for my stash. These are really good gel liners, by the way.

Cream shadows:

• Milani shadow Eyez in 09 cafe au Lait – I still remember buying this in Halifax at Lawtons. Sadly, this creases on me.
• Essence Bloom Me Up! Duo Eye Pencil – these are meant to be brow bone and inner eye highlights but the texture is too dry for the eye area
• Stila Smudge Pot in Jade
• Bourjois Survoltee waterproof Eyeshadow in Parme Électro
• Sephora Jumbo liner 12hr wear in #32 White glitter – this was part of a set, there are always 1 or 2 shades that no one wants and this is one of those
• MAC Paints in Magrittes – I can’t believe this has finally dried out.  RIP, I will miss you (swatch of this and my other Paints / paint Pots here)
• Almay bright Eyes color cream shadow in golden Gleam – I love these cream eye shadows and of course they’re discontinued. This has dried out but I still have 2 other ones which are still going strong.
• CoverGirl intense ShadowBlast in 815 brown Bling – loved this but it’s getting old (also discontinued)
• TIGI Longwearing Creme Eyeshadow in brown Sugar – love LOVE this but it’s drying out
• Mary Kay Eye primer – this didn’t work to me to prevent eye shadows from creasing
• Milani Eyeshadow primer – also didn’t work for me

Pencil Liners:

• Bourjois Queen attitude Khol Kajal – too smudgy for me
• Sephora liner ElectRO i 09 Electro Choc – Dette har ingen opholdskraft
• Mary Kay Luxury Liner i klassisk sabel – elskede denne farve, men formlen var for vandig
• Senna kosmetik lineær øjenliner i røg
• Maybelline Masterdrama i Coal Commander – Dette er faktisk næsten færdig, jeg kan virkelig godt lide disse blyanter, men jeg foretrækker Taupe Color mere
• Prestige Vandtæt Automatisk Eyeliner i 14 Sepia – Jeg fandt dette at trække sig ved huden
• Hårdt candy concealer blyant i medium – ikke en eyeliner, men hvad som helst. Dette matchede mig ikke og var ikke så godt.

• Jordane Kosmetik Browliner i Earth Brown – dette kom ud af en vens makeup kit fra hendes estetikiske kursus. Det var mit første brow-produkt. Dybest set pinnede min pal mig ned og trak browser på mig, fordi jeg aldrig havde fyldt i mine browsere før (og jeg har sparsomme pande). Jeg kunne virkelig godt lide denne blyant – det er ikke voksagtigt, og farven er det perfekte match. Det er tørret ud nu, og jeg har flyttet på Shu Uemura-blyanterne. Men dette vil altid have et særligt sted i mit hjerte!
• Quo BFF Super Shaper Eye Wand i Nægde og Trina – dette er super gammelt. Øjenskyggen (nægter) var ganske rart, men linerende ende (Trina) var ubrugelig. og omg navnene på nuancerne!
• Make up for evigt blyant i nr. 0 hvid – denne ting er gammel. Og se på, hvor længe blyanten stadig er. Jeg fortsætter med at få det i mit hoved, at jeg ville rette min indre lash line for det “vågen look”, men jeg gør det aldrig. Jeg har stadig et par hvide linjer i min stash.

• COCKGIRALL LIXLINEBLAST (ovenfor) – Når dette sæt er, springer den ikke. Alt for dårlig tørrede det dog ud i huset.
• Palladio Shadow & Liner Herbal Pencil i hindbær (ovenfor) – Dette tørres helt ud fuldstændigt, hovedet inde har skrumpet op og er løs i træhuset. Jeg trak ud føringen lidt ud på billedet.

Lip & Cheek-produkter

• Estee Lauder Pure Color Gloss In 06 Amazing Mauve – Dette var en GWP-emne. Jeg brugte mascara ende, men aldrig brugt glans. Det er alt for shimmery / frosty til min smag.
• Soap & Glory Sexy Mother Pucker Lip Gloss i nøgen – købt dette på grund af hype og det sjove navn. Dette så goopy og klæbrig. og den skarpe sukkerholdige chokolade lugt er gag-inducerende.
• Rimmel Apocolips i 101 Celestial – Jeg kunne virkelig godt lide disse flydende læbestifter, desværre er det blevet dårligt.
• Mac Lipgelée i FUGT – Mens jeg afskyr Mac’s Lipglass, elsker jeg deres Lipgelées. Og selvfølgelig er de afbrudt! Dette rør er SO. Gammel. Vanilla duften er forsvundet, selvom det ikke lugter dårligt. Mac har brug for at bringe Lipgelées tilbage permanent!

• Mac cremeblend rødme i noget særligt – jeg har haft dette i 4 år, og dets tekstur er for tør for at søge på mit ansigt nu. Det går tilbage til Mac (og jeg har nu nok tømmer til 2 b2m elementer – Woot!)

Og endelig en meget speciel omtale:

• Mirabella Outshine Lip Gloss in Illusion – Dette var en af ​​mine PUFU (projektet bruger det f *% @ up!) Varer, men jeg endte med at forsømme det igen. Dette er nok min yndlingsglansformel, men dette rør er bare for gammelt (mere end 5 år).

Den sidste måling af dette var 2.60cm, og nu er det på 3,20 cm fra toppen. Farvel, gammel ven.

At slippe af med gamle makeup er bittersød! Mens nogle ting jeg ikke var meget pleje, var mange fantastiske favoritter, som jeg ønskede, at jeg havde betalt mere opmærksomhed på, så jeg kunne have brugt dem helt op. Jeg håber, at jeg en dag får min samling ned til en håndterbar størrelse, så jeg kan gøre det. Har du brug for at lave en skønhedsledre?

Set your alarms!

The MyLipAddiction.com beauty Podcast will be airing a new episode tonight at 7pm (EDT) featuring none other than miss HippyLip. I’ve created a new category on my sidebar to display all the links to the MyLipAddiction.com beauty Podcasts so you can listen any time!

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Ligesom loading …


Massive PurgeYou may recall that the primary objective of this blog originally was to reduce my beauty stash. ^^’ I had a three-pronged plan: A) stop buying more (No-Buy / Low-Buy) B) use up what I have (empties aka trash Stash) C) get rid of items that I no longer use…
January 18, 2018In “Beauty”

Papirkurvstash: marts 2017it April allerede! Fik nogen prankeret i April Fools Day? : P Mine var uundgåelig. Her er de tømmer, som marcher gav: Jeg blev lidt nervøs omkring midten af ​​marts, da jeg ikke havde mange tømmer i min taske, men det ser ud til, at hale i løbet af måneden, …
3. april 2017in “skønhed”

Random makeup haul: Shoppers, Rexall, Faces, etcBy now you’re sick of my hauls, right?  I’m sorry, but you realize January was NO HOLDS BARRED month, and I just came off a yearlong dry spell, so every makeup item looked mighty tempting.  This is the LAST of the January hauls (until I receive the items I ordered…
February 9, 2016In “Beauty”

January 2022 book listing

Hi there, friend! I hope whatever on your end is great as well as that this week has been treating you well.

The other day, in the Monday Poll, Tisha asked the complying with concern in the comments:


Btw, what are you reading? I’ve been dying to get my hands on a great book, seems like fun!

I checked out great deals of excellent fiction last month. My preferred out of the lot was “Klara as well as the Sun,” by Kazuo Ishiguro. It’s science fiction, however not the kind that includes aliens destroying the earth or superheroes saving the world from killer snakes from outer space.

It’s a peaceful story of a robot buddy as well as her teen charge, as well as it contemplates what it implies to like as well as be human. Days after I completed the last page, I kept believing about the story, as well as my heart would feel both heavy as well as hopeful at the exact same time.

Sigh… I’m not prepared for the increase of the machines, man.


Katte og makeup sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Shoppe nu

Still, I liked it. It’s one of the very best books I’ve checked out in years.

I’ve just recently found that Reese Witherspoon (yup, the actress) has a book club, kinda like Oprah’s book Club. Every book that she’s suggested so far, I’ve enjoyed. In January I finished…

“The Giver of Stars,” by Jojo Moyes

I started this a while back however stopped reading when it got frightening for the primary characters, librarians who travel by horseback into the far reaches of the Kentucky mountains during the Depression. I just couldn’t take it as well as needed a break. I’m so pleased I completed this book, though. It’s about friendship as well as resilience, as well as the connections between the women are beautiful.

“The Last story of Mina Lee,” by Nancy Jooyoun Kim

This secret is about a Korean lady who immigrates to Los Angeles in the ’80s as well as her daughter, as well as it flips back as well as forth between the past as well as the present as the story unfolds. I had to force myself to put the book down before bed! It’s one of those books you might quickly checked out cover to cover.

“The Henna Artist,” by Alka Joshi

Another page turner! It’s set in 1950’s India, as well as it’s about a lady trying to make it on her own in a world where there aren’t a great deal of opportunities. Again, I couldn’t put it down.

That Reese Witherspoon understands exactly how to pick some great books.

I likewise checked out a couple non-fiction books, too. “Painless Grammar,” by Rebecca Elliott, is written for kids, however it’s a fun refresher on fundamentals of the English Language. I likewise delighted in “The simple Filipino Cookbook,” by Roline Casper, as well as I can’t wait to try a few of her recipes.


What’ve you been reading lately?

Din venlige samfunds charme addict,


Seks år gamle

glædeligt fødselsdag, lille en!
Denne Coywolf blev seks i dag! Hvilken tur er det at hjælpe med at guide en lille person gennem deres tidlige år. Hver dag er virkelig et eventyr.

Lige nu elsker hun at danse (og vil sandsynligvis være med i danseholdet på hendes studie næste år) og alt og alt relateret til dyr. Hendes yndlingsskoleaktiviteter er kunst, p.e. og staml lab. Og når det er spilletid, elsker hun at bygge med Legos og lege med sine Stuffies og Dolls.


I aftes forsøgte jeg sin årlige fødselsdag lasagne!

Hun får et hvert år, og jeg bager det i sin særlige fødselsdagspande. Det er vores sjove familie tradition – fordi intet siger jeg elsker dig som ost og carbs, lol!

Connors fødselsdag lasagne pan
Åh, og hun er virkelig hendes fars datter, for når den vedrørte at udvælge en kage, anmodede hun specifikt chokolade.

Vi kaster en fødselsdagsfest med sine venner på hendes dansestudio på lørdag, hvilket skal være sjovt! Det er hendes første ægte fødselsdagsfest med en flok børn, og så er hun begejstret. Jeg har været utroligt travlt med at lave forberedelse til alt … Jeg sværger, ingen af ​​disse børn vil sandsynligvis bekymre sig om detaljerne, men det er afgørende for mig, at hun har det godt, så når denne hukommelse tæpper sig dybt ind i hendes sind, hun ‘ Jeg husker, hvor meget sjovt hun havde, og hvor elskede hun, følte hun.


Hvis det er din fødselsdag i dag også, så glad for fødselsdagen! Yay for marts babyer.

Din venlige kvarter appelmisbruger,


Muji at gå! [+ Giveaway!]


Exactly a week ago, I had the enjoyment of going to an intimate open home at the MUJI Canada HQ in Toronto. picture my enjoyment to get a behind-the-scenes look at where the hectic bees make MUJI happen! as well as exactly how timely, considering that I’d just checked out MUJI in Japan, the mothership!

The open home was focused on introducing us to the MUJI to GO concept, which is all about travel essentials. Myself, together with 4 other Toronto blog writers as well as YouTubers, were provided a hands-on presentation of the MUJI to GO products.

Before the demo though, we had an interactive session with MUJI Canada President, Toru Akita. He embodies the MUJI brand. If you hadn’t understood he was the President, you’d believe he was part of the product advancement team – his enthusiasm for MUJI products is apparent. We were asked to bring an product that we always take when we go travelling. Mr. Akita, being a regular traveller who prides himself on packing lightly, showed us his item: a little leather folio with space to hold his passport, a slim notebook, as well as some service cards – all  secured by a pen in slot mechanism. Sadly, MUJI no longer offers this model, your finest choice is the Passport Case.  For my item, I showed my BAGGU bag, which I dutifully bring with me on every trip so I can bring all of my haulage securely.

Then it was onto the product demonstration. The approach behind MUJI to GO is simple: the products are compact, comfortable, as well as useful. The very first product shown was the Neck Cushion, which function a removable (washable!) cover made from soft cotton jersey material. fun fact: each neck rolls consists of 5 million microbeads (give or take a few ) for a mouldable, nearly memory foam-like, feel. one more neat function is that the pillow has a clasp that can be closed to safe around the neck, or left undone as well as utilized as a routine pillow.  Side note, I sat on MUJI’s Body in shape pillow during the interactive session as well as I might not get over exactly how comfortable it was! It utilizes the exact same microbeads as the neck pillow – I’ve sat on lots of bean bag chairs in my life as well as truly, theirs had the very best mix of malleability as well as support. Apparently, a Body in shape pillow consists of 100 million microbeads (give or take a few!).

Next was a demo of the Valise difficult bring travel Suitcase, which is offered in 3 sizes (33L, 60L, as well as 85L), as well as 4 colours (black, navy, beige as well as red). This situation features a wheel locking system (to stop accidental rolling), as well as a built-in safety lock (I like this feature! one more concern that was asked at the session was what travelling incidents we’ve encountered – mine was when I lost my cherished TUMI combination lock… I believe some flight terminal safety workers need to have opened my suitcase as well as failed to re-attach my lock. having the built-in lock indicates this would never happen!).

What I likewise appreciate about this situation is exactly how lightweight it is – the exterior is a semi-hard material, supplying security from rough handling, however likewise enables some flex.

The rest of the MUJI to GO variety include travel bottles, foldable lightweight backpack, zippered garment bags, eye mask, slippers, portable washing board as well as clothespins for in-hotel space laundering (how sugoi!!!), travel size skincare, and shrink wrapped towel / tee shirts as well as gown (I’ll compose a lot more about these in one more post! )

The shrink wrapped tee shirts as well as gown are in those square cubes!
Amazingly, MUJI Canada provided each of the open home participants a carry-on suitcase with a neck roll:

Of program I selected a RED case! I like colourful accessories.
Plus, contained inside the suitcase were a range of MUJI to GO products:

• Assortment of refillable travel bottles andlabels inside clear pouch
• foldable Garment Bags in M as well as L sizes
• Eye sleep mask
• Aluminum Bag hanger (purse hook)
• portable Garment Cleaner (lint roller)

Thank you extremely much, MUJI Canada, for the chance to discover about the MUJI to GO idea as well as the possibility to utilize these products! They will definitely are available in helpful when I go on our Mediterranean cruise later this year!

It was likewise great to satisfy other Toronto blog writers / YouTubers. Please go inspect them out:
• small Pear Style
• Alisha’s Guide
• For The like Of The City
• stylish Sophistic

Taken at the MUJI Atrium location.
In Canada, MUJI is offered on the internet as well as at the complying with store locations:
• Toronto: MUJI Atrium, across from the Eaton Centre
• Mississauga: MUJI Square One


And considering that MUJI Canada was so generous to me, I’ve made a decision to pay it ahead to you!  I went to MUJI this weekend as well as chosen up some MUJI to GO products just for YOU.

Here’s what I’m providing away:

• Eye Mask
• Cotton buds with ear pick

• Passport Notebook in red
• Smooth Ballpoint Pen in black
• Aluminum Bag hanger (purse hook)
• PP Refill tool Set (contains a funnel, dropper as well as spatula)
• Travel eyelash curler (mine went to Japan with me!)

• Cleansing Sheets
• PET Cylinder Spray Bottle
• PP pill & tablet Case
• Facial Blotting Paper
• Oil Cleansing for sensitive Skin – travel size 50ml (my favourite!)


Well I can’t have a appeal blog without providing away a makeup item, so I’m likewise including a MUJI blush that I gotten in Japan, directly from the Shinjuku MUJI store:

Cheek color mix type in Pink.
To enter, do this:

• comply with me on WordPress or by means of email
• such as this publish as well as leave a comment below to response either (or both) of these exact same concerns that MUJI asked us:
1) What product do you always bring with you when you travel?
2) have you had any type of travelling mishaps? historie tid!

Do this too, if you like:

• comply with MUJI Canada on Twitter, Instagram as well as Facebook
• comply with me on Twitter, Instagram as well as Facebook

Læs dette:

• open up until midnight Sunday, July 10, 2016 (EST)
• Åbn internationalt.
• need to be over 18 years old
• En champion vælges
• champion will be revealed on Monday, July 11, 2016

This publish consists of products which were supplied to me by MUJI Canada complimentary of charge. I composed this entry out of my own freewill since I like MUJI products! This giveaway is not sponsored by MUJI – I gotten the products since I believe you people are swell. great luck!

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Ligesom loading …


Back to institution as well as organizing with MUJI!Yes, it’s a bit unfortunate to think, isn’t it… however Back to institution is just around the corner!  Even though I’m no longer in institution (some days I believe about exactly how fantastic it would be to be back in school, as well as then I keep in mind the assignments as well as exams! 😛 ),…
August 11, 2016In “Beauty”

Muji hudpleje [+ giveaway!] [Denne giveaway er lukket] Du forstår sandsynligvis, at jeg allerede kan lide Muji hudplejeprodukterne, som jeg har prøvet, så jeg var helt i mit aspekt på den nyeste Muji Canada åbent hjem, som var at fremvise deres hudpleje. Ligesom tidligere Muji Open Home Sessions var det en lille …
18. oktober 2016in “Skønhed”

MUJI Haul – June 2016Technically I gotten these products in June however it doesn’t consist of any type of makeup so there was no requirement to include it in my low-buy accountability.  I gotten these products when I went to MUJI to get the prizes for the giveaway as well as of program I can’t assist however to pick…
July 7, 2016In “Beauty”

3 legende pink chanel rouge-lures fra den langsigtede samling

sjov med nogle Chanel Lippies!
Chanel. Lyserød. Permanent!

Du taler magiske ord til mine ører! Eller skal jeg oplyse “magiske ord til mine læber”? Hmm!


Jeg har brugt læbestift ekstremt sjældent i løbet af de sidste par måneder (solcreme, er dog en helt anden historie!), Så da jeg begyndte at nedskære min samling i maj, garanterede jeg mig selv, at den eneste traditioner læbestifter jeg ville fortsætte med at gå videre, er dem, jeg elsker absolut.

Jeg har fået afsted af de fleste af de døde vægt, så godt som er endelig på det punkt, hvor jeg virkelig skal prøve ting på for at afgøre, om jeg vil fortsætte med at holde det, såvel som disse tre Chanel Lippies er de næste på dæk.

Så pink!
Raspberry rødlig pink rouge appel blæk i 170 euphorie ($ 40) er en letvægts matte flydende læbestift, der af en eller anden grund ser mere rødt ud i disse billeder! – dog mindre så personligt.


Katte og makeup sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Shoppe nu

Rouge Appeal Velvet i 42 Eclatante ($ 40) er en lys såvel som Summery Coral Pink med en blød mat overflade såvel som som euphorie det føles lys på mine læber. Det ser også godt ud med sort Feline Eye Liner!

Rouge appel i 91 Seduisante ($ 40) er en varm lyserød med en cremet finish, så godt jeg kan se det være en dejlig daglig farve.

Rouge appel i 91 Seduisante
Rouge Appeal Velvet i 42 Eclatante
Rouge Appeal Ink i 170 Euphorie
Resten af ​​makeup i dette udseende

I det seneste har jeg forsøgt at opdage metoder til at bære makeup, der fungerer for mig … hvormed jeg mener, at jeg ikke vil føle mig overvældet af den troede på blanding, eller som jeg bruger en sh * t-ton af ting på min hud. Jeg vil bare føle sig helt i makeup igen, du ved det?

Jeg tror, ​​jeg har endelig opdaget en filosofi, der virker for mig (i det mindste for nu). Jeg har bare lidt smule øjenmakeup, kombineret med at holde min hud så enkel som muligt. Derefter integrerer jeg en sjov læbestift i en glædelig farve.

I dette look bruger jeg en stor del Chanel!

Til huden startede jeg ved at anvende en ny tonet mineral solcreme af Avene kaldet Solaire UV Mineral Multi-Defense Tinted Suncreen Fluid. Det er duftende – såvel som oliefri, såvel som tanfarven virkelig virker på min NC42-hudtone. Jeg har endnu ikke testet det på en ekstremt solskinsdag, men hidtil er jeg i det!

Derefter blandede jeg et par dråber Chanel Vitalumiere Aqua Suncreme Makeup på mine kinder, min næse såvel som min overlæbe; tilsat et par dråber timeglas slør retouchering væske i sand under mine øjne; Samt dabbed en gylden tan creme rødme (Chanel les beiges i nr. 20) på mine kinder.

For mine øjne startede jeg ved at forene min øvre lash linje med hyperblæk, Chanels langvarige creme liner i en gryde. Next, I swept the golden brown from the Chanel road movie quad to provide some depth to my lids, as well as smudged the edges of the liner with the matte navy shade from road Movie. To finish, I filled in my brows with Chanel boy Brow in Black as well as coated my lashes with Laura Mercier Caviar Mascara.

Færdig! ?

What makeup looks have you been into lately?


Din venlige Community Beauty Addict,


S.s. happy hump day! ?

Stash Dash: Oct 23 – 29

how is it the end of October already!?! and tomorrow is Halloween! Here’s what’s went down on the blog last week:

Project Pan: Lancôme Khol in love eye liner in chocolate Affair

I also compare a whole bunch of brown eye liners.

Nordstrom Toronto appeal department – first Impressions and Haul

It’s the start of a stunning (dangerous) thing!

Favourites Lately: Late 2016

Instead of monthly favourites, I gather up my appeal favourites for 3 months and gush over them. This is the third installment of my quarterly favourites for 2016.

Maison Jacynthe makeup Launch

Testing out new makeup from a Canadian natural appeal brand – just look in any way those pretty eye shadow colours.

MyLipAddiction.com appeal Podcast: I nearly Peed My Pants!

My first episode on Cat’s MLB appeal Podcast functioning as co-host – we share some freaky ghost stories. I’m such a scaredy cat…


• We went to second City last night to see their newest show “Come What Mayhem“. My cheeks still hurt from laughing. We used to attend second City shows frequently – I don’t know why we stopped.  As part of the tradition, we always eat dinner at Gretzky’s beforehand (Wayne Gretzky’s bar) – their perogies are amazing!

• As part of the MUJI Canada opening of their newest location at Yorkdale shopping Centre, they gave out these outstanding individualized tote bags to some bloggers / YouTubers:

And it was filled with these goodies!

At first, I thought that bag of cotton candy was a pack of their facial cotton! I’ve sampled nearly everything already – the strawberry marshmallows with jelly inside are my favourite!
The funny thing is that while the SA went to fetch the tote bag from the office, I’d already gone to the checkout and gotten nearly all of the items included in the bag. So guess what, I’ll be including some extra goodies in my MUJI skincare giveaway!  …which leads me to:

• have you entered the MUJI Skincare giveaway yet? It ends tonight at midnight! I’ll be posting the winner tomorrow at 7pm (EST).

So, are you all ready for Halloween?

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PP12: Lancôme Khol in love eye liner in chocolate AffairIf you listened to the most recent MyLipAddition podcast, you would have heard me ranting about doing project Pan! 😛 I remain committed to this cause, but I have to admit, wearing the same makeup day in, day out, is really challenging when you have so lots of other options staring…
October 24, 2016In “Beauty”

My blogging HighlightsI’ve been procrastinating on finishing off this entry considering that it will be my closure post.  But, enough delay – it has to be done. This is going to be a rather self-indulgent post… initially I wasn’t planning on doing a post like this to conclude the blog, but your comments…
March 12, 2018In “Beauty”

Favourites Lately: Late 2016This year I made a decision to do quarterly favourites so I’ve had lists for early 2016 (covering January to March) and mid-year (covering April to June), and now I’m showing my third quarterly favourites to cover July to September: It’s mostly summer time products but a little bit of autumn is creeping in……
26. oktober 2016in “skønhed”

Dette eller det: Væske, Creme eller Powder Edition

tid til at gøre de hårde makeup valg!
Sådan spiller du

Vælg den ene eller den anden for hvert af nedenstående spørgsmål og kopier / indsæt dine svar i kommentarerne. Kan ikke vente med at se dine valg! Mine er angivet nedenfor. ?

Dette eller det: væsken, fløde eller pulverudgave

Concealer: Væske eller fløde?

Foundation: Væske, fløde eller pulver?

Læbestift: Væske eller fløde?

Blush: Væske, fløde eller pulver?

Bronzer: Væske, fløde eller pulver?

Øjenskygge: Creme eller pulver?

Mere Eyeshadow: Væske eller fløde?

Eyeliner: Væske eller fløde?

Highlighter: Væske, fløde eller pulver?

Concealer: Væske eller fløde?

Jeg har hvad jeg har taget til at kalde “oplevelseslinjer”, og de fortaler respektfuldt for flydende concealer. ?


Foundation: Væske, fløde eller pulver?

Flydende fundament. Noget let og på tyndere side, som det kosmetik din hud, men bedre fundament + hudpleje.

Læbestift: Væske eller fløde?

Dang! Jeg finder denne overraskende svært at svare! Jeg er normalt ikke en flydende læbestift pige, men de er vokset mere i pandemien, fordi jeg kan lide, at de matte bliver sat og ikke overfører til mine masker.

Alligevel er der noget om fløde læbestift i en god gammeldags kugle … så jeg skal gå med cremen!


Katte og makeup sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Shoppe nu

Blush: Væske, fløde eller pulver?

Hvis mine tørre kinders svarede, ville de råbe “creme hele vejen.” Men i sidste ende synes pulver altid at være lidt lettere at anvende, så jeg går den rute.

Bronzer: Væske, fløde eller pulver?


Øjenskygge: Creme eller pulver?

Jeg er blevet fastgjort på hofte til min nars eyeshadow palette i det seneste, så jeg går med pulver (selvom jeg elsker lækker fløde skygger til bits).

Mere Eyeshadow: Væske eller fløde?


Eyeliner: Væske eller fløde?

Væske, i en pen med en fleksibel punkt tip. tak skal du have!

Highlighter: Væske, fløde eller pulver?



Din venlige naboskabs skønhedsadmed,


S.s. happy Thursday! ?

Disney X home of Sillage

For Disney fans who like luxury: the new Disney X home of Sillage collection
Disneyland or bust, March 2022! I’m going to state it over as well as over once again so I can manifest the sh*t out of that plan, LOL! For her next birthday, we’re going to take Connor to Disneyland as well as she’s going to have a super-mega-ultra princess blowout.

We’re going to eat HELLA churros while I’m there, however not so many that we spoil our lunch at Blue Bayou (I’ve always wished to eat there!), as well as we’re going to satisfy ALL THE PRINCESSES. Oh, as well as we’ll have to satisfy Mickey as well as Minnie, of course. What’s Disneyland without visiting the ultimate power mouse duo?


Over the last few years, Disney has done rather a few makeup collabs, as well as one of the newest ones on the high end is a collection that just introduced with home of Sillage.

A trip down memory lane with these Disney makeup collections…

The MAC Maleficent Collection Conjures Crimson Kisses as well as Chiseled Cheeks

The MAC Cinderella Collection: Light, airy Formulas integrate With glossy completes to produce beauty Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo

MAC Venomous Villains: 101 things You Didn’t Know

MAC Aladdin Collection Swatches

Paul as well as Joe for Disney: American Debut Coming Soon!

Pixi turned Target into a Magic Kingdom With the new Disney Pixi PixiGlow Collection

Urban Decay complied with the Yellow brick road All the method to two new restricted edition Palettes influenced by Disney’s Oz the excellent as well as Powerful

They’re a high-end beauty brand out of Newport beach in southern California understood for their perfumes, as well as now they’re venturing into color cosmetics. The restricted edition Disney X home of Sillage is their very first makeup collection.

From the upper left: skin tone Duo blush & Highlighter ($58), Eyeshadow Quint ($68), Lip Gloss Luminizer in Something wonderful ($36), diamond Powder Lipstick in lively nude ($58), diamond Powder Lipstick in lively Red ($58)
I’m an NC42 in MAC
For a introduce based on animation characters, it feels surprisingly elegant. The black, silver as well as red packaging on the outside look like collector’s products you’d discover in a Disney fanatic’s vault of valuable items, as well as the wearable plums, bronzes, pinks, beiges as well as red shades inside look like something you’d discover at Chantecaille or Cle de Peau.


Katte og makeup sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Shoppe nu

I keep in mind years back chatting with somebody in the makeup market about exactly how all the very best powders are created in Italy, as well as that’s where this collection’s made. There’s an eyeshadow combination ($68), a highlighter as well as blush duo ($58), two lipsticks ($58 each) as well as a Lipgloss ($36). There’s likewise a trendy boxed set with all the products as well as a makeup bag for $240.

Super pricey, however that’s according to the home of Sillage vibe. A typical bottle of their perfume is $360, so ya know, it’s #fancylady stuff.

I’m using the Eyeshadow Quint ($68), the skin tone Duo blush & Highlighter ($58), diamond Powder Lipstick in lively nude ($58) as well as the Lip Gloss Luminizer in Something wonderful ($36)
A few quick thoughts on the products I’ve worn:

Eyeshadow Quint: The shades lean warm, as well as the completes are shimmery like fine (Disney) fairy dust. Powder structure is on the softer, fluffier side as well as borderline delicate; I packed a wet angled eye liner clean with the shimmery mid-toned bronze as well as gasped when I saw the huge dent I left behind. They variety from medium to full pigment. My lids are dry, as well as after a day’s wear on bare skin, I saw very little creasing. I believe they’re even prettier as the day goes on; the shimmer settles in nicely, as well as my eyes had a luminescent glow. So costly at $68, however perhaps worth it if warm pinks as well as bronzes are your thing as well as your heart beats for the high-end schtuff.

Diamond Powder Lipstick in lively Nude: feels like a Chanel Rouge Coco lipstick (smooth, silky as well as comfortable) as well as tastes as well as smells like a MAC lipstick (vanilla). Impressively high pigment load. I believe this would be a extremely generous gift for the Disney enthusiast in your life who has everything. She (or he) would FREAK OUT. If there were one thing I’d get from the launch, it would either be this lippie or the eyeshadow quint.

Complexion Duo blush & Highlighter: adorable mouse ears on the peach blush! The blush blends out beautifully, as well as the highlighter has a fine shimmer (always a plus); however, I desired a bit more pigment for the price. I like this, however I believe you might discover something similar for less.

Lip Gloss Luminizer in Something Sweet: Lightweight, not sticky, smells as well as tastes like vanilla. Ren og skær. I feel like I truly requirement to dig in deep to get sufficient produkt på staven?! Sød, men mere som nice ekstra, hvis du har nogle ekstra frokost penge.


Jeg kan bare bære denne samling med mine Minnie Mouse Ears, når jeg endelig gør det tilbage til Disneyland! ?

Din venlige Community Beauty Addict,


Lørdag Surfing, 19. februar, 2022

Delighted National Lash Day! Mascara og kitties tee.
Hej og glædeligt CATURDAY!

Åh, og gladede National Lash Day også! Ja, vi fejrer nu øjenvipper nu. Mine vipper er i øjeblikket på jagten på en ny mascara, forresten. Hvis du er glad for din, skal du dele, fordi Laura Mercier Caviar bare ikke gør det for mig længere (krølleholderen er ikke det samme af nogen grund).


I det seneste har jeg været iført et lag af Ilias fulde volumerende mascara med en vandtæt mascara på toppen, og mens det gør jobbet fint, vil jeg gerne have en en-og gjort løsning, så lad mig vide, om du “VE fundet noget livskift!

Taler om vipper, Connor havde for nylig en mini-meltdown over sine øjenvipper for nylig. Hers er lange og krøllede som El Hubs, og de bliver ofte fanget i øjnene, hvilket er meget uroligt for hende. Når det sker, hjælper jeg enten hende med at bruge en vaskeklud eller skylle øjnene med vand for at få de faste vipper ud.

Anywho, det skete igen den anden dag, og hun begyndte at tale om at skære hendes vipper af, fordi de var så generende … Jeg lukkede det rigtige hurtigt. Jeg tænker mellem “absolut ikke” og “du vil poke dit øje ud,” noget kan være gået tabt i oversættelse, fordi hun lige begyndte at bawling. Jeg holdt hende i mine arme og forsikrede hende om, at det ikke altid ville være et problem, og at hun en dag ville være taknemmelig for sådanne charmerende vipper. Derefter skyllede vi øjnene og gik om service som sædvanlig.


Katte og makeup sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Shoppe nu

Throwback til li’l baby lashes!
Så ja, glædeligt National Lash Day. Jeg håber du har ikke en nedbrydning!

Denne uges læsning

Social Media Influence cloning nu deres kæledyr …

Debbie Harry på rød læbestift: “Rød læbestift kan være en af ​​katastroferne med smøring og blødning, men så igen kan disse være tiltalende udseende til at udvikle sig. Jeg havde ikke altid røde læber, og de røde nuancer varierede efter, hvad jeg havde på, mit humør, eller hvad jeg havde til rådighed. Jeg kan altid lide nuancer, der havde navne, der indebar noget vildt, fristende eller nasty. ”

Stevie Nicks lever stadig sine drømme.

Acne betragtes normalt forskelligt i Korea, end det er i USA. I Korea fokuserer dermatologer på hydrering og fugtbarriere støtte til at stoppe pletter.

Dog Köln er en ting.

En af mine foretrukne kat “damer” er tydeligvis ikke en minimalistisk.

Hvis du kan lide fancy ting …

Jeg vil gerne gøre dette!

“Jeg kan ikke lide åbne koncepter. Giv mig et værelse, hvor jeg kan lukke en dør. ” <-----same REKLAME Have a terrific rest of your weekend. Anything exciting happening on your end? Din venlige kvarter appelmisbruger, Karen.

Charmzone natural Skinade BB cream

I’m a huge fan of BB creams as well as light protection base makeup in general.  What are BB creams?  Since BB creams have ended up being much a lot more prevalent outside of Asia in recent years, I’ll let the authority supply an explanation: Wikipedia.  For ages, I used the Skin79 Super plus Beblish Balm Triple function SPF30 PA++ (also affectionately just called the hot Pink BB) however I always discovered it to be a bit as well ashy / grey on me.  I routinely mixed it with the now discontinued Kiehls Ultra Facial tinted moisturizer SPF 15 in Medium, which was as well dark on its own for me.  The blend worked well, however it wasn’t ideal.

After utilizing up my last Skin79 BB cream, on a whim, I made a decision to try the Charmzone Natural Skinade BB cream.

Charmzone natural Skinade BB cream box front as well as back

I gotten this product at a regional Korean grocery store, called PAT Central, in their small upstairs cosmetics / vitamin shop.   It expense $45 CAD (taxes included) for 50ml.  I have not seen this brand or product discussed online, nor have I seen it in person elsewhere aside from that specific Korean shop.

Charmzone natural Skinade BB cream as well as swatch on NC25 skin
I promptly liked the formula of this BB cream – it checks all the boxes for me:

natural coverage

decent sun security aspect at SPF 20 PA ++ – I particularly like that it utilizes titanium dioxide as well as zinc oxide as sun security rather than chemical sunscreen

doesn’t cause break outs

great colour match

good wear time

no added fragrance

It’s a relatively hydrating formula, consisting of hyaluronic acid, so it’s particularly great for the wintertime months.  One unfavorable I would state about this BB cream is that it’s a bit on the pricier side at $45, however considering that I had been mixing 2 base makeup together before, the overall expense is less now.  Another con about this (and Oriental BB creams in general) is that there is only 1 shade available.  Since Oriental BB creams generally deal with a rather homogeneous group with a narrow variety of skin tones, I comprehend why this is the case.  I would state this shade would be appropriate for those in the variety of MAC NC20 to NC30.

Interestingly, the product is provided on a medical product directory page, I assumption for the sunscreen ingredients.  The site has the full ingredients listing so my work is done for me (click on the orange plus indications on that site to broaden the sections).  A google browse likewise shows that it is available on Amazon.com

This tops all the other BB creams I’ve tried in the past which includes: Skin79, BRTC, Dr. Jart, Missha, Skin Food, as well as The deal with Shop.  I’m currently utilizing up my very first tube of the Charmzone as well as have one more one stashed away.  It’s a guaranteed suggestion as well as repurchase for me.

Stash Worthiness: 10/10

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Project focus 10: Guerlain lingerie De Peau BBAlert: I’m experiencing some technical difficulties today with my individual ID. all of my comments on blogs are going into their spam comment boxes. I can only “like” a publish however none of my comments are displaying. Please inspect in your comment spam folder to see if there may be…
January 25, 2016In “Beauty”

Foundation as well as Concealer Purge of 2016This has been a long time coming. I just needed to set a long time aside as well as be in the ideal mood to be severe about getting rid of some products from my stash. often I feel a bit connected to products because of nostalgia as well as I talk myself into keeping…
February 16, 2016In “Beauty”

Trash Stash: March 2017It’s April already! Did any individual get pranked on April Fools Day? 😛 Mine was uneventful.  Here are the empties that March yielded: I got a bit anxious at around mid-March considering that I didn’t have a great deal of empties in my bag however it seems at the tail-end of the month,…
April 3, 2017In “Beauty”